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Postcards PyPI version

Postcards is a set of python scripts that allow you to send postcards with the Swiss Postcard Creator.


This package requires python 3.6 or later.

# pip for python3 is required
pip install postcards

or install from source

git clone
cd postcards/
pip install .

Installation of postcards will expose these console scripts:


Issue --help for more information.


$ postcards -h

usage: postcards [-h] [-v] {generate,send,encrypt,decrypt} ...

Postcards is a CLI for the Swiss Postcard Creator

positional arguments:
    generate            generate an empty configuration file
    send                send postcards
    encrypt             encrypt credentials to store in configuration file
    decrypt             decrypt credentials

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increases log verbosity for each occurrence.

sourcecode and documentation:

Getting started

Create a configuration file by issuing

$ postcards generate

A configuration file holds various information relevant to send postcards.


Issue postcards send --help for more information about sending postcards.

# Send a postcard
$ postcards send --config config.json \
    --picture \
    --message "Happy coding!"

# Encrypt user passwords to store in configuration file
$ postcards encrypt mypassword

# Send a postcard with encrypted passwords stored in configuration file
$ postcards send --config config.json \
    --key \
    --picture \
    --message "Happy coding"
# Increase verbosity
$ postcards -v send --config config.json \
    --picture \
    --message "Happy coding!"

# - Add more 'v' to increase verbosity, i.e. -vv
# - Note: The -v / --verbose flag belongs to the root parser, add it after 'postcards' and before 'send'     


Postcards is designed in a plugin based approach. Plugins set the text and / or picture of your postcards.

Postcard pictures and text can always be overwritten by commandline by issuing --picture <picutre> and --message <message>.

These plugins are available:

Plugin: postcards-folder

Send pictures from a folder.

Add the following object to your configuration file

 "payload": {
    "folder": "./pictures",
    "move": true
  • folder: location to a folder containing your images (required)
  • move: set to false if sent picture should not be moved to a subdirectory ./sent/ (default: true)


$ postcards-folder send --config ./my-config.json --message "coding rocks"

Slice a picture into tiles

postcards-folder comes with a command called slice to create tiles from an image. This is useful to create a poster-like picture with postcards.

Issue postcards-folder slice --help for more information.

Plugin: postcards-yaml

Specify what picture and text to send in a YAML file. This allows for scripted bulk sending and extends postcards-folder with a YAML file.

Add the following object to your configuration file (config.json);

 "payload": {
    "folder": "./pictures",
    "yaml": "./pictures/send.yaml",
    "move": true

Create a YAML file in the following format;

- This is the text for postcard 1
- this-location-to-picture-1.jpg
- This is the text for postcard 2
- this-is-location-to-picture-2.jpg
  • Entry i contains text, and entry i+1 contains the relative location of the picture.
  • For all i modulo 2 == 0, i >= 0
  • The absolute location of the image consists of the folder path in config.json and the image location in the YAML file.
  • Entries are removed from the YAML file if a postcard is sent.
  • Entries are picked as they appear in the YAML file.


$ postcards-yaml send --config ./config.json
  • see directory ./example/plugin_yaml/ for more examples.

Validate YAML file

You can verify the YAML file with postcards-yaml validate -c config.json. This command checks that all pictures exist and the YAML file has proper format.

Plugin: postcards-pexels

Send postcards with random pictures from

No configuration is necessary in your configuration file.


$ postcards-pexels send --config ./config.json --message "coding rocks"

Plugin: postcards-random

Surprise, surprise! This plugin chooses an arbitrary picture from the internet as postcard picture. Picture may be inappropriate, so use with caution.

No configuration is necessary in your configuration file. Needs python 3.6, newer versions cause some errors (TODO).


$ postcards-random send --config ./config.json \
  --message "So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness. \
   So is this postcard picture."

Plugin: postcards-chuck-norris

Chuck Norris's first program was kill -9!

Receive postcards with Chuck Norris statements. No configuration is necessary in your configuration file.


$ postcards-chuck-norris send --config ./config.json --category nerdy --duplicate-file duplicates.txt
  • Issue postcards-chuck-norris send --help for more information about the additional flags.

Build your own plugin

  1. Extend the class postcards.Postcards()
  2. Overwrite def get_img_and_text(self, payload, cli_args)
  3. Add CLI parser functionality by overwriting enhance_*_subparser methods
from postcards.postcards import Postcards
import sys

class MyPlugin(Postcards):

    def get_img_and_text(self, plugin_config, cli_args):
      return {
            'img': '...',
            'text': '...'
if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python --help


Something does not work, can you help?

Release notes

v2.5, 2023-08-12

  • update postcard-creator-wrapper to v2.4

v2.4, 2022-10-04

  • change dependency freeze mechanism to pipreqs, update all dependencies to the latest version

v2.3, 2022-10-04

  • update postcard-creator-wrapper to v2.3

v2.2, 2021-07-07

  • update postcard-creator-wrapper to v2.2

v2.1, 2021-05-16

  • update postcard-creator-wrapper to v2.1

v2.0, 2021-02 #49

  • plugin_folder: introduce .priority folder to prioritize images #40
  • mics: removed dependency on internal pip api #38
  • use postcard_creator 2.0 to fix issues with swissid authentication method #46
  • fix message parsing issue #41

v1.1, 2020-01-30

  • update to postcard-creator 1.1. swissid authentication is now supported

v1.0, 2020-01-28

  • plugin_random: needs python 3.6 to work, newer versions are currently not supported
  • plugin_pexel: use official pexel API, keyword is no longer supported
  • plugin_yaml: introduction of new plugin
    • postcards-yaml reads a YAML file with text/picture entries. This allows for scripted bulk sending.
    • see postcards-yaml -h or documentation above for more information

v0.0.8, 2018-03-28

  • v0.0.7 broke due to changes in the postcardcreator API
  • update postcard-creator to 0.0.8

v0.0.7, 2017-11-22

  • Bug fixing release
  • Remove unused dependencies
  • update postcard-creator API wrapper to 0.0.6

v0.0.6, 2017-08-13

  • Bug fixing

v0.0.5, 2017-08-12

  • Introduce new plugin postcards-chuck-norris
  • Add flag --all-accounts to global postcards

Development notes

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

To capture dependencies, we use pipreqs

cd <project root>
pipreqs --force

To release a new version:

python sdist
twine upload dist/* 



Andrin Bertschi and friends
