Convert a user's current open JIRA issues to Org-Mode format. Calls the JIRA REST API.
Add the directory jira2org.el is in to your load-path. It's set in your .emacs, like this:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/jira2org/")
Add the following to your .emacs startup file:
(require 'jira2org)
or add the autoloads for the public command functions:
(autoload 'j2o-export "jira2org" "Convert current JIRA issues" t)
Configure the JIRA settings for your installation. You'll need to set at least the API root, username and password:
M-x customize-group RET jira2org RET
M-x j2o-export
Will make the web request, convert, and dump the results in j2o-output-file