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fix: perform replacements simultaneously in Import ... with
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Fixes #153
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chaudhuri committed Apr 10, 2024
1 parent fd43c46 commit 783ff60
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 62 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Bugfixes
(#152, discovered in discussions with Farah Al Wardani @innofarah and Dale
Miller @thatdalemiller)
* `Import ... with` performs the replacements simultaneously. (#153)

Changes in 2.0.8 from 2.0.7
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150 changes: 88 additions & 62 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -223,54 +223,86 @@ let ensure_valid_import imp_spec_sign imp_spec_clauses imp_predicates =

let imported = State.rref []

let replace_atom_term decl _defn_name defn t =
let ty = tc [] defn in
let t = Term.abstract decl ty t in
let rt = t [defn] in
(* Printf.printf "Rewrote %s to %s.\n%!" (term_to_string t) (term_to_string rt) ; *)

let replace_atom_metaterm decl defn_name defn mt =
let rmt = map_terms (replace_atom_term decl defn_name defn) mt in
(* Printf.printf "Rewrote %s to %s.\n%!" (metaterm_to_string mt) (metaterm_to_string rmt) ; *)

let replace_atom_clause decl defn_name defn cl =
let head = replace_atom_metaterm decl defn_name defn cl.head in
let body = replace_atom_metaterm decl defn_name defn cl.body in
{ head ; body }

let replace_atom_compiled decl defn_name defn comp=
match comp with
| CTheorem (nm, tyvars, bod, fin) ->
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CTheorem\n%!" ; *)
CTheorem (nm, tyvars, replace_atom_metaterm decl defn_name defn bod, fin)
| CDefine (flav, tyvars, definiens, clauses) ->
if List.mem_assoc defn_name definiens then
failwithf "There is already a defined atom named %s in import" defn_name ;
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CDefine\n%!" ; *)
CDefine (flav, tyvars, definiens, (replace_atom_clause decl defn_name defn) clauses)
| CImport (fn, ws) ->
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CImport\n%!" ; *)
let ws = begin fun (wfrom, wto) ->
if wto = decl then (wfrom, defn_name)
else (wfrom, wto)
end ws in
CImport (fn, ws)
| CKind (ids, _knd) ->
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CKind\n%!" ; *)
if List.mem defn_name ids then
failwithf "There are declared types named %s in import" defn_name ;
| CType (ids, _) ->
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CType\n%!" ; *)
if List.mem defn_name ids then
failwithf "There are declared constants named %s in import" defn_name ;
| CClose _ ->
(* Printf.printf "Trying to rewrite a CClose\n%!" ; *)
module Replacement = struct
type target = {
name : id ;
term : term ;
ty : ty ;

type t = {
map : target Itab.t ;
range : Iset.t ;

let make withs =
let map = ref Itab.empty in
let range = ref Iset.empty in
List.iter begin fun (decl, defn) ->
let pred = UCon (ghost, defn, Term.fresh_tyvar ()) in
let pred = type_uterm ~sr:!sr ~sign:!sign ~ctx:[] pred in
map := Itab.add decl { name = defn ; term = pred ; ty = tc [] pred } !map ;
range := Iset.add defn !range
end withs ;
if Itab.cardinal !map <> Iset.cardinal !range ||
Itab.cardinal !map <> List.length withs then
failwithf "Replacements for \"with\" are not pairwise distrinct" ;
{ map = !map ; range = !range }

let find repl decl = Itab.find decl
(* let find_opt repl decl = Itab.find_opt decl *)

let term (repl : t) body =
let (abs, args) = Itab.fold begin fun decl defn (abs, args) ->
(Term.abstract decl defn.ty abs, defn.term :: args)
end (body, []) in abs args

let metaterm repl body = map_terms (term repl) body

let clause repl cl =
let head = metaterm repl cl.head in
let body = metaterm repl cl.body in
{ head ; body }

open struct
let rec check_no_existing ~what ~mem ids =
match ids with
| [] -> ()
| id :: ids ->
if mem id then
failwithf "There is an existing %s named %s" what id ;
check_no_existing ~what ~mem ids

let compiled repl comp =
match comp with
| CTheorem (nm, tyvars, body, fin) ->
CTheorem (nm, tyvars, metaterm repl body, fin)
| CDefine (flav, tyvars, preds, cls) ->
check_no_existing ( fst preds)
~what:"defined atom"
~mem:(fun id -> Iset.mem id repl.range) ;
CDefine (flav, tyvars, preds, (clause repl) cls)
| CImport (fn, ws) ->
let ws = begin fun (wfrom, wto) ->
match Itab.find_opt wfrom with
| Some defn -> (wfrom,
| _ -> (wfrom, wto)
end ws in
CImport (fn, ws)
| CKind (ids, _) ->
check_no_existing ids
~what:"declared type"
~mem:(fun id -> Itab.mem id ;
| CType (ids, _) ->
check_no_existing ids
~what:"declared constant"
~mem:(fun id -> Itab.mem id ;
| CClose _ -> comp

let add_lemma name tys thm =
match Prover.add_lemma name tys thm with
Expand All @@ -290,9 +322,7 @@ let rec import ~wrt pos impfile withs =

and import_load modname withs =
let kind = "import_load" in
let replacement_set = List.to_seq withs |> snd |> Iset.of_seq in
if Iset.cardinal replacement_set <> List.length withs then
failwithf "Replacements for \"with\" are not pairwise distinct" ;
let repl = Replacement.make withs in
if List.mem modname !imported then () else begin
imported := modname :: !imported ;
let module Thm = (val Source.read_thm (modname ^ ".thm")) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,24 +381,20 @@ and import_load modname withs =
Prover.add_global_types ids knd;
process_decls decls
| CType(ids, (Ty(_, aty) as ty)) when aty = propaty-> begin
(* Printf.printf "Need to instantiate: %s.\n%!" (String.concat ", " ids) ; *)
let instantiate_id decls id =
let check_types id =
try begin
let open Typing in
let pred_name = List.assoc id withs in
let pred = UCon (ghost, pred_name, Term.fresh_tyvar ()) in
let pred = type_uterm ~sr:!sr ~sign:!sign ~ctx:[] pred in
let pred_ty = tc [] pred in
tid_ensure_fully_inferred ~sign:!sign (pred_name, pred_ty) ;
if ty <> pred_ty then
let pred = Replacement.find repl id in
tid_ensure_fully_inferred ~sign:!sign (, pred.ty) ;
if ty <> pred.ty then
failwithf "Expected type %s:%s, got %s:%s"
id (ty_to_string ty)
pred_name (ty_to_string pred_ty) ; (replace_atom_compiled id pred_name pred) decls (ty_to_string pred.ty)
end with Not_found ->
failwithf "Missing instantiation for %s" id
List.fold_left instantiate_id decls ids |>
List.iter check_types ids ; (Replacement.compiled repl) decls |>
| CType(ids,ty) ->
Expand Down

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