At the end of each of your blog posts, include the following code using the HTML editor:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Now to include any gist template just add the following anywhere in your blog post.
<div class="gistLoad" data-gist-id="GistID" id="gist-GistID">Loading ....</div>
<div class="gistLoad" data-gist-id="GistID" data-gist-file="GistFile" id="gist-GistID">Loading ....</div>
Replace "GistID" with your gist id and "GistFile" with name of file inside this gist.
If you want to work with this script locally. You need to clone the repo using
git clone
To start up the server, just run
Now, to use the local version of the script, change the script embed code in your post to the local version
<script src="http://localhost:9292/gistLoader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You also need to change the main script path inside (gistLoader.js)
//var gistBloggerPath = "";
var gistBloggerPath = "http://localhost:9292/gistBlogger.js";
That's it, now blogger will start calling your script.
- Alex Conrad
- kares for the scripts loading idea.