Download otrs ticket attachments. Based on the ticket-id syncs all attachments to a local folder and if desired decompresses possible archives.
Uses the new OTRS 4.0.1 REST API, for REST API setup an predefined yml description is included, see below.
usage: [-h] --url URL --ticket TICKET --user USER --pw PW [--folder FOLDER] [--pdf] [--unpack] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --url URL Base URL to otrs (http://host/) --ticket TICKET Ticket ID as seen in URL (TicketID=7496 = 7496) --user USER OTRS Username --pw PW OTRS Password --folder FOLDER Folder to download stuff (default full subject ticket id) --unpack Decompress downloaded files based on filetype (zip, tar.gz)
Download all attachments to automatically created folder:
--url --ticket 7496 --user username --pw password
Download attachments to specified folder:
--url --ticket 7496 --user username --pw password --folder download
Download attachments to specified folder and decompress zipped attachments:
--url --ticket 7496 --user username --pw password --folder download --unpack
Predefined path, ticketid is replaced with real ticket number, so files go to /logfiles/:
getotrs --url --user username --pw password --folder /logfiles/_ticketid_ --ticket 7496
By default getotrs attempts to load ~/.getotrs
as config file, which can be
used to configure username/url/password. See example file.
getotrs.yml includes an service description, in otrs 4.0.1 it is possible to import this service description with the GenericInterface Webservices administration tool. The URL for this WebService is:
If a file with the same name is attached to the ticket twice, the filename will be appended with an upcounting number (foo, 2_foo), 3_foo) and so on.