Technologie used | Project | Layout | How can I run it? | How can I help? | License
This project uses these technologies:
- React
- NodeJs
- Express
- TypeScript
- Jest
- TypeOrm
- Tsrynge
- Postgres
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Nodemailer
- Handlebars
- Unform
- Axios
- Date-fns
- Styled Components
- Yup
- Celebrate
- Eslint
- React-day-picker
- React Icons
in Progress...
You can access the layout using this link.
To open it in any SO, use Figma.
- Postgres
- MongoDB
- Redis
rename .env.example to .env and set the variables
cd backend && yarn && yarn typeorm migration:run && yarn dev:server
cd frontend && yarn && yarn start
Android: cd appgobarber && yarn android
IOS: cd appgobarber && cd ios && pod install && cd .. && yarn ios
- Fork this repository;
- Create a branch with your feature:
git checkout -b minha-feature
; - Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'feat: Minha nova feature :tada:'
; - Push it to your branch:
git push origin minha-feature
After merging your pull request, your branch can be deleted;
This project uses the MIT license. Read LICENSE for details.
Made with ♥ by Alex Claude 👋