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Project URL: https://eattendance2021.herokuapp.com/
1.Node.jS: https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.17.0/node-v14.17.0-x64.msi
2.Mongodb Community Server: https://fastdl.mongodb.org/windows/mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4.6-signed.msi
You can check the version by typing “mongod —version” on your terminal. While installing choose to install mongodb compass, else install it seperately.
3.Mongodb Compass: https://downloads.mongodb.com/compass/mongodb-compass-1.26.1-win32-x64.msi
4.Database tools: https://fastdl.mongodb.org/tools/db/mongodb-database-tools-windows-x86_64-100.3.1.msi
5.python has to be installed, along with pip.
1.Download the Repo and extract it to the convinient location on your Computer: https://github.com/ab007shetty/eattendance
2.Install NPM packages -> You should be in root directory of ur project.
npm install
3.Install Python packages
cd Py-Scrpits
pip install -r requirements.txt
4.Create a empty folder namely 'db' in root of our project. -> change path name aacoording to ur PC.
mongod --dbpath C:\Users\ABShetty\Desktop\Eclassroom\db
5.Extract dump.rar file. -> You have to change path.
mongorestore -d attendance_portal C:\Users\ABShetty\Desktop\dump
OR You can also import files using mongo compass GUI, for that files will be in " db.rar " Just Import json files.
1.Start the express server from the root directory.
npm start
2.Start the flask server from Py-scripts directory.
python app.py
3.Start the mongo server -> change path to ur path.
mongod --dbpath C:\Users\ABShetty\Desktop\Eclassroom\db
1.After Installing MongoDB Compass, paste this in the adress bar of compass.
For Local connection
1.This wiil dump all the database files, i mean schema, to the directory where you are.
2.Restore the database from imported schema.
mongorestore -d attendance_portal C:\Users\ABShetty\Desktop\dump
To download project from heroku, and you need to create an account.
1.Install heroku CLIfrom: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-command-line>
If you haven't already, log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key.
heroku login
2.Clone the repository Use Git to clone eattendance2021's source code to your local machine.
heroku git:clone -a eattendance2021
cd eattendance2021
3.Deploy your changes Make some changes to the code you just cloned and deploy them to Heroku using Git.
git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master