These workbooks represent my journey through various front-end development topics. My goals are to:
- Solidify my understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Gain proficiency in using front-end frameworks and libraries.
- Explore back-end development and integrate it with front-end projects.
- Continue learning and improving my coding skills through practice and new projects.
I look forward to expanding my knowledge and working on more advanced projects in the future.
- HTTP Methods: POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
- Fetch API: Make POST, PUT, and DELETE requests using
- Git Branching: Create, merge, and delete branches
- Group Collaboration: Collaborative exercises with branching and merging
- JSON: Stringifying JSON, REST APIs
- AJAX: REST APIs, endpoints, HTTP requests/responses, status codes, placeholders, GET, Postman, methods, request body
- Fetch API: AJAX calls, fetch requests, loading dropdowns and tables, response status, CORS
- Node.js: NPM, local REST API server, code along (check versions, clone repo, install packages, start server, verify), eventlistener, async API method
- Code Wars & Algorithms: Practice JavaScript, solve and debug problems
- Python & Java: Learn new languages, compare syntax
- Group Collaboration: Mob coding
- JavaScript Arrays:
, sorting arrays, arrow functions, multidimensional arrays - DOM and BOM: Run JavaScript in the browser, navigator object, location object, open and close windows
- Working with DOM: Access elements by id, class, tag name, query selectors, modify page content
- CSS Properties: Inline styles, CSS classes
- Tables: Work with table structures
- JavaScript Objects: Access object properties, functions
- Loops and Arrays:
, break loops - Arrays: Loop through array of objects, expand arrays, search arrays, sort arrays
- Forms: Work with lists, load 'select' from array, select/deselect options, remove/clear options
- Miscellaneous: Truthy/falsy values, strict equality
- JavaScript Functions: Parameters, return values, scoping (
), hoisting - Strings and Dates: Work with strings and dates, template strings, convert strings to arrays
- Forms: Anonymous functions, checkboxes, radio buttons, show/hide elements, query selectors
- JavaScript Basics: Expressions, operators, variables, Math object, increment/decrement, parsing strings to numbers
- Conditional Statements:
, comparison operators,switch
- JavaScript in the Browser: HTML pages with JavaScript, console scripts,
tag - Functions: Organize scripts, interact with page elements, handle events
- HTML: Syntax, structure, tags, images, tables, validation, block/inline elements, semantic layout
- CSS: Selectors, properties, inline styles, attribute selectors, pseudo-classes, units, fonts, specificity, box model, flexbox, grid, positioning, bootstrap
Thank you for visiting my learn to code workbooks repository.