Opinionated Go package for working with the fogleman/contourmap
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/contour cmd/contour/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/contour-svg cmd/contour-svg/main.go
Generate contour data derived from an image and draws the results to a new image.
$> ./bin/contour -h
-n int
The number of iterations used to generate contours. (default 12)
-scale float
The scale of the final output relative to the input image. (default 1)
-source-uri string
A valid gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where images are read from. (default "file:///")
-target-uri string
A valid gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where images are written to. (default "file:///")
-transformation-uri transform.Transformation
Zero or more additional transform.Transformation URIs used to further modify an image after resizing (and before any additional colour profile transformations are performed).
For example:
$> ./bin/contour -n 3 fixtures/tokyo.jpg
Will transform this:
In to this:
Generate contour data derived from an image and write the results as SVG path elements to a new file.
$> ./bin/contour-svg -h
-n int
The number of iterations used to generate contours. (default 12)
-scale float
The scale of the final output relative to the input image. (default 1)
-source-uri string
A valid gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where images are read from. (default "file:///")
-target-uri string
A valid gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where images are written to. (default "file:///")
-transformation-uri transform.Transformation
Zero or more additional transform.Transformation URIs used to further modify an image after resizing (and before any additional colour profile transformations are performed).