There are many Go HTTP file server tools. This one is mine.
Documentation to follow.
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/fileserver cmd/fileserver/main.go
$> ./bin/fileserver -h
Usage of ./bin/fileserver:
-cors-origins string
A comma-separated of origins to allow CORS requests from. (default "*")
Enable CORS headers on responses.
Enable gzip-ed responses.
-mimetype value
One or more key=value pairs mapping a file extension to a specific content (or mime) type to assign for that request
-prefix string
A prefix to append to URL to serve requests from.
-root string
A valid path to serve files from.
-server-uri string
A valid aaronland/go-http-server URI. Registered schemes are: HTTP,HTTPS,LAMBDA,MKCERT,TLS. (default "http://localhost:8080")
$> make debug
fileserver -root ./www \
-mimetype js=text/javascript \
-mimetype wasm=application/wasm \
2025/02/21 11:30:54 Serving ./www and listening for requests on http://localhost:8080