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Basic static code builder to be used on McClatchy High Impact projects.

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McClatchy Custom Embed Generator

Basic static site builder for use in developering McClatchy High-Impact projects.

Built with Vite.js.


  • svelte
  • PostCSS
  • eslint
  • handlebars.js


You can clone this repo as usual, or use create-clone.

yarn create clone aaronalbright/mccustom-starter <newProjectName>
# or
npm init clone aaronalbright/mccustom-starter <newProjectName>

To start a server at localhost:3000

npm run dev

The server is started from ./index.html which is fed via a handlebars partial at ./partials/base.html. From there, ./partials/embed.html is the actual HTML snippet that will be put into CUE as an embed. The rest is just boilerplate for local development.

This can be configured in vite.config.js under the handlebars() plugin.

miCss is used to fetch an always up-to-date version of the main McClatchy WPS site CSS.

Build a static embed

Puts files into dist/. Make sure you update the name in package.json to ensure the base URL is updated.

npm run build


There's two ways to deploy your static files for the HTML embed.

  1. The McClatchy static media server (**)
  2. The NewsX GCP bucket (**)

Ideally, Option 1 will no longer be needed and everything can be deployed via the gcloud CLI via gsutil.


# You must have ~/.ssh/config set up for the static server to use any of the deploy: scripts

# Sets the directory to /[year]/[projectName] as defined by package.json config.projectName
npm run deploy:static

# Same as above but will then update the CUE embed with './dist/partials/embed.html' and republish
# It will NOT republish the story file, only the HTML embed
npm run deploy:cue

# If you just want to update the CUE embed but not deploy new files to the static server
npm run cue

# Uploads files in './dist' to the gcp bucket using the same /[year]/[project-name]/ structure according to the current directory
make bucket

# same as `make bucket` but doesn't push the files, only shows what files will change / be uploaded
make test-bucket

# Copys contents of './dist/partials/embed.html' to the clipboard for a easy paste into CUE
make embed

About CUE deployment and ./utils/update-cue.js

This is a convenience function that runs on npm run cue or npm run deploy:cue. You must be connected to the McClatchy VPN for this to work. You'll also need a .env file in your project root with CUE_USER and CUE_PASS set accordingly. Additionally, in package.json, you'll need to ensure config.cueID matches the Content ID of the CUE Embed (not the story the embed is attatched to).


Included in this template are two plug-and-play components.


This component allows for a "dark mode" on story pages. Including it will default the page to dark mode and insert a toggle button toward the top of the page near the byline. You will need the svg files found in ./assets/ to take advantage of the button.

The ./src/css/main.css file contains the property overrides and settings when .dark is added to the document body. However, if you want to fully encapuslate everything inside the component, you can also put those styles in :global(body.dark) in the Svelte file and accomplish the same thing.


    import ThemeToggle from "./ThemeToggle.svelte";


<h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur</h3>

<p class="summary">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quo dolore consequatur dolor. Fuga accusamus, voluptatum nesciunt et blanditiis corrupti id quos animi sit! Incidunt temporibus voluptate dicta. Aliquid, corrupti recusandae.</p>

Dark Mode preivew with <ThemeToggle>



This is an enhancment component that adds an animated "stikcy" navigation to story pages that have a CUE-configured Series Nav. If there is no Series Nav embeded on the page this component will do nothing. You can fetch an HTML snippet of Series Nav from a live page and drop it into the .story-body in ./partials/base.html to test the componnent.

<FuseNav> preivew with <ThemeToggle> dark mode enabled and custom home button


Using enhancments

If you have access to the McClatchy ProdX gcp-bucket repository, you can clone it and include any enhencments found at by adding the path to the local repo to resolve.alias in vite.config.js. You can also just use the absolute URL.

Fetching external data


As of 2021, we have a new method of using data or documents from Google Drive. By taking advantage of Google Apps Script, you can "publish" content from a Sheet or Document to a McClatchy domain at www.[domain].com/static/hi/.

You'll find the documentation for this implementation at McClatchy/ProdX. It's a private repo so you'll need access. This method will only work with Google Cloud files that are accessed from a McClatchy Google account.

Below you'll find the original method to extract data from documents. This method is no longer recommended and will not work unless your envrioment is already set up for it.


  1. Create a Google Doc or Sheet.
  2. Share it with McClatchy's Google service account.
  3. Place the Google auth tokens file in your local home directory. (You'll get these from a High Impact Team member)
  4. Copy the doc ID (between d/ and /edit from the URL) and place it in either config.docID or config.sheetID in package.json


Get AML-formatted Google Doc

npm run get:doc

Get Google Sheet

npm run get:sheet

The file is saved to src/data/[type]Data.json.


Basic static code builder to be used on McClatchy High Impact projects.






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