- Alan Lam 23625123 (alanuwa)
- Tom Tran 23459091(TomTran11)
- Namgay Choden 23867057 (Nchoden)
- Zachary Ta 22972615
Use: ./python3 project.py
<--! make sure port is available-->
introductory page: username + password
homepage: adding/making new quiz previously made quiz by the user search button
search page: have search at the top filter for grade, which the user enter and (which will search of grades that were entered by all the user that made quiz) filter for subject (user enter) and then (which will search entered by all users that made quiz) the page will show all the quiz that is related to subject, grade and search key word
add quiz page: left conner there is enter for box for grade and at the bottom of grade is entry for subject (the filter in search page should store this data enter down) Entry for title then entry for question and answers the button + should give more box to enter more question and answer bottom right conner should have "save " button that will have it at user's homepage
quiz entry page: (when use tab o ANY quiz) the title of the quiz is presented timer, use have to enter time (should be less than 3 hours) Go! button take them to quiz page
quiz page: top left conner count the number of question completed out the total question in the quiz question from the quiz are randomly mix and present one at time the question gives multiple choice of four, one is correct answer and other 3 question can be answer of different question after clicking on one multiple choice next page should show up with next question repeats till the all the quiz questions are entered or if the timer comes to 0sec then goes to result page
Result page: score (top left conner in bold) question that are wrong at the bottom right side of the page should be the score board of everyone wo have done the quiz with highest score being on top, with their time record. bottom right page have 'home' button that goes to home page
Learning Hub Logo : https://images.app.goo.gl/8ZSsUXE1p2RxAuZg8
Login Background : https://images.app.goo.gl/ChbNqZU5ds8BsftE8