Firmware for the ESP8266/NodeMCU WiFi car.
Embedded web server to live stream sonars sensors values via WebSockets.
Optimised web contents on the SPIFFS flash.
Towards Reinforcement Learning to learn an obstacle avoidance algorithm in simulation, then apply it on the real car.
It will be used as teaching material for an Applied Machine Learning engineering course.
npm install gulp-cli -g
cd gulp_minify
npm install
mini+ugl gzipped
381 Ko -> 149ko
cd gulp_minify
platformio run --environment nodemcuv2_USB -t buildfs -t uploadfs
platformio run --environment nodemcuv2_USB -t upload -t monitor
- ESPurna by Xose Pérez
ESP8266 Motor shield: - Squix78
- ric96
- nouyang
- Alictronix
HC-SR04 sonar: