Python API for talking to a MySensors gateway ( Currently supports serial protocol v1.4 and v1.5.
Does not support OTA updates.
Currently the API is best used by implementing a callback handler
import pymysensors.mysensors.mysensors as mysensors
def event(type, nid):
print(type+" "+str(nid))
gw = mysensors.SerialGateway('/dev/ttyACM0', event)
In the above example PyMysensors will call "event" whenever a node in the Mysensors network has been updated.
The data structure of a gateway and it's network is described below.
sensors - a dict containing all nodes for the gateway; node is of type Sensor
Sensor - a sensor node
children - a dict containing all child sensors for the gateway
id - node id on the MySensors network
ChildSensor - a child sensor
id - Child id on the parent node
type - Data type, S_HUM, S_TEMP etc.
values - a dictionary of values (V_HUM, V_TEMP, etc.)
Getting the type and values of node 23, child sensor 4 would be performed as follows:
type = gw.sensors[23].children[4].type
values = gw.sensors[23].children[4].values
PyMysensors also supports three other settings. Debug mode, which prints debug information, persistence mode, which saves the sensor network between runs. With persistence mode on, you can restart the gateway without having to restart each individual node in your sensor network. To enable persistance mode, the third argument in the constructor should be True. Debug mode is enabled by setting SerialGateway.debug = True. A path to the config file can be specified as a fourth argument.
import pymysensors.mysensors.mysensors as mysensors
gw = mysensors.SerialGateway('/dev/ttyACM0', None, True, 'somefolder/mysensors.pickle')
gw.debug = True