The project was created for the course Programming 3. The following methods are (somehow) implemented.
'__len__', # .lenght()
There are several ways to create the ZString object.
ZString s1; // creates an empty ZString
ZString s2('c'); // ZString contains 1 character
ZString s3("string"); // ZString contains an array of characters
s3.length() == 6;
You can do comparison,
ZStrin("abc") < ZString("cba"); // true
ZStrin("abc") <= ZString("cba"); // true
ZStrin("abc") >= ZString("cba"); // false
ZStrin("abc") > ZString("cba"); // false
ZStrin("abc") == ZString("cba"); // false
ZStrin("abc") != ZString("cba"); // true
concating & multipling ZString.
ZStrin("abc") + ZStrin("def") == ZStrin("abcdef");
ZStrin("abc") * 3 == ZStrin("abcabcabc");
Iterate over ZString
for(auto c: ZString("abc")) {
cout << c;
// prints: "abc"
or print it directly.
cout << ZString("abc");
Find substrings
ZString("abcb").find(ZString("b")) == 1;
ZString("abcb").find(ZString("b"), 2) == 3; // starts on a specific index
ZString("abcb").rfind(ZString("b")) == 3; // or find the rightmost occurence
ZString("abcb").rfind(ZString("nope")) == -1;
ZString("abcb").index(Zstring("nope")); // raises an error
count them
ZString("abcb").count(ZString('b')) == 2;
and replace them.
ZString("abcb").replace(ZString('b'), ZString('BE')) == ZString("aBEcBE");
Do some basic ZString manipulation,
ZString("one TWO three").capitalize() == ZString("One two three");
ZString("one TWO three").lower() == ZString("one two three");
ZString("one TWO three").upper() == ZString("ONE TWO THREE");
ZString("one TWO three").swapcase() == ZString("ONE two THREE");
ZString("one TWO three").title() == ZString("One Two Three");
ZString("one").center(5, '#') == ZString("#one#");
ZString("one").ljust(5, '#') == ZString("##one");
ZString("one").zfill(5) == ZString("00one");
even check some properties.
ZString("one123").isalnum() == true;
ZString("one").isalpha() == true;
ZString("123").isdigit() == true;
ZString("one").islower() == true;
ZString("ONE").isupper() == true;
ZString("one").isprintable() == true;
ZString(" \t\n").isspace() == true;
And more...
ZString(" one123 \t ").strip(" \t") == ZString("one123"); // or .rstrip() .lstrip()
ZString("one123").startswith(ZString("one")) == true;
ZString("one123").endswith(ZString("123")) == true;
vector <ZString> arr = ZString("one two three").split();
arr.size() == 3;
arr[0] == ZString("one");
arr[1] == ZString("two");
arr[2] == ZString("three");