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Implant Functionality

Kris edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 3 revisions

The FudgeC2 implants have built in commands to short-hand common functionality. The functionality is invoked by prepending :: to the required command, for example to load the PowerUp module you would run the load_module command, followed by the script name.

Screenshot from 2019-11-17 23-50-11

To see how to add new scripts to FudgeC2, see below.

Current commands

These commands are being added on a regular basis, however, if there are commands you'd like to see built into the the next release please raise a feature request. Below is a list of all built in commands available to the user.

Command Info
<command> If no builtin prefix in used the submitted value will be directly executed by Powershell.
:: sys_info Collects username, hostname, domain, and local IP
:: enable_persistence Enables persistence by embedding a stager payload into the following autorun registry key
:: export_clipboard Attempts to collect any text data stored in the users clipboard.
:: load_module [target script] This will load external Powershell modules, such as JAWS.
:: exec_module [loaded module name] Executes a specific function of a loaded module.
:: list_modules Lists all loaded modules by the implant.
:: download_file [target file] Downloads the target file to the FudgeC2 server
:: upload_file [local file] [remote path/filename] Uploads a file to the target path and specific filename
:: play_audio [audio file (wav)] Plays a wav file on the compromised host.
:: screenshot Plays an audio file on the compromised host.

Adding new scripts to FudgeC2

Add your script to the following directory to make it available to the load_module command:

<installation dir>/Storage/implant_resources/