- Powerint DOS is an operating system used for learning purposes only.
- At first, the operating system was in 16-bit real mode, but now it is in 32-bit protected mode (386 version).
- Due to COVID-19, Zhou Zhihao stayed at home and started the project in December 2020.
- The project was about operating systems and Zhou Zhihao named it 'Powerint,' meaning powerful interrupts that we can use. After coding for about a year, the operating system had the normal functionality like MS-DOS but it was still in 16-bit real mode.
- In December 2021, the writer of Simple OS, Qiu Chenjun, collaborated with Zhou Zhihao. They helped Powerint DOS transition into a new world, 32-bit protected mode, and renamed it Powerint DOS 386.
- After over a year of coding, Powerint DOS 386 is continuously improving.
Note: you may need to install nasm, gcc, g++ and qemu before build
First, you have to clone the repo, like this:
git clone https://github.com/ZhouZhihaos/Powerint-DOS-386.git
Second, go to the apps folder:
cd apps
Then, use make
to compile the apps:
If you don't see an error message, then go to the Loader
folder then type make
in the cmd prompt:
cd ..
cd Loader
If you don't see an error message, then you can run flowing commands to go to the kernel
folder and build the kernel:
cd ..
cd kernel
Or you can add run
in order to start debug after the compilation:
make run
You will see Powerint DOS splitted into four images in kernel/img folder.
Done! You can try Powerint DOS by using qemu or any other virtualization software you like right now!
The following command is an example of qemu:
qemu-system-i386 -fda img/Powerint_DOS_386.img
If you need network support, add some parameters to the command and it will be like this:
qemu-system-i386 -fda img/Powerint_DOS_386.img -net nic,model=pcnet -net user
zhouzhihao https://github.com/ZhouZhihaos
min0911_ https://github.com/min0911Y
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