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ZPlayerCacher is a lightweight implementation of the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate protocol that enables AVPlayerItem to support caching streaming files.


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ZPlayerCacher is a lightweight implementation of the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate protocol that enables AVPlayerItem to support caching streaming files.

Please note that while this project serves as a demonstration of AVFoundation AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate and the use of Combine to manage data flow, the code may not be written to the highest standard of cleanliness. If you have any suggestions for improving the code, please feel free to create an issue or pull request on the repository.

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Swift Package Manager

  • File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Add
  • Select "Up to Next Major" with "1.0.0"


dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    dependencies: [


source ''
platform :ios, '13.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'ZPlayerCacher', '~> 1.0.0'


let cacher: Cacher = PINCacher() // your implementation of Local Cache policy (Cacher Protocol), ref: /Sources/ZPlayerCacher/DataFetcherStrategy/Cacher/
let logger = DefaultPlayerCacherLogger()
let factory = CacheableAVURLAssetFactory(cacher: cacher, logger: logger).makeCacheableAVURLAssetIfSupported(url: url)

let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset) // than playerItem will support caching

// DefaultPlayerCacherLogger:
class DefaultPlayerCacherLogger: PlayerCacherLogger {
    var loggerLevel: PlayerCacherLevel = .info

// PINCacher:
public final class PINCacher: Cacher {

    static let cache: PINCache = PINCache(name: "ResourceLoader")

    private lazy var jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
    public func set(key: String, data: Data, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
        PINCacher.cache.setObjectAsync(data, forKey: key, completion: nil)

    public func get(key: String) -> Data? {
        let data = PINCacher.cache.object(forKey: key) as? Data
        return data

    public static func clean() {

    public static func setByteLimit(memoryByteLimit: UInt, diskByteLimit: UInt) {
        PINCacher.cache.memoryCache.costLimit = memoryByteLimit
        PINCacher.cache.diskCache.byteLimit = diskByteLimit


  • ZPlayerCacherExample/ZPlayerCacherExample.xcodeproj

Things to know

  • Due to limitations in the Apple iOS system, currently unsupported video formats such as HLS file format(.ts) are not supported by ZPlayerCacher.

Who is using

pinkoi is Asia's leading online marketplace for original design goods, digital creations, and workshop experiences.


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  • ZPlayerCacher is a lightweight implementation of the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate protocol that enables AVPlayerItem to support caching streaming files.

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Feel free to open an issue or submit a fix/contribution via pull request. :)


ZPlayerCacher is a lightweight implementation of the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate protocol that enables AVPlayerItem to support caching streaming files.







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