Android Studio - Follow instructions here. *or install any other IDE (Visual Studio, Xcode)
Flutter - Follow instructions here.
Download(git clone) the project
In root directory (where
is) call:
flutter packages get
- To run:
flutter run
# Release version
flutter run --release
- To build app bundle:
# Android
flutter build apk
flutter build apk --release --no-shrink
#iOS (on macOS host)
flutter build ios
- Fill the data in this function
- configure EOS nodes like here (IP address, port, encryption connection check and network type(chainID))
- set StorageServer (IP address, port and encryption connection check)
- Run the project from your IDE
This repository hosts also 2 libraries:
- dmrtd - dart implementation of ICAO 9303 MRTD standard
- passid - dart implementation of client PassID PoC protocol
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details