Console Colors it's a very small script that adds colors to the node console.log extending the string and number prototype.
This module is a reduced version of Marak's colors module. If you want more styles, themes and functions for your browser; go check that here.
###Instalation npm install consolecolors
console.log('foo'.red) // Prints foo in red foreground
console.log('foo'.red.underline) // Prints foo in red underlined
###Styles supported:
- underline
- inverse
- white
###Foreground colors:
- white
- grey
- black
- blue
- cyan
- green
- magenta
- red
- yellow
###Background colors:
- whiteBG
- blackBG
- blueBG
- cyanBG
- greenBG
- magentaBG
- redBG
- yellowBG
###Changelog 0.33.2b - Now the numbers also can be colored and styled! 0.33.2a - A quick fix on the method to define the string prototype