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API Rest Example

Ultra fast api rest to handle students and courses using Lumen and Swoole PHP.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need this libraries or you can use Docker, there is a docker-compose file with all ready to go.

Mysql/Mariadb, Postgresql or SqlServer


This package relies on Swoole extension. Make sure you've installed Swoole before using this package. Using this command to install it quickly:

Of course the first thing to do is to clone repository

git clone

And then swoole extension

pecl install swoole

After installing the extension, you will need to edit php.ini and add line before using it.

php -i | grep php.ini                      # check the php.ini file location
sudo echo "" >> php.ini  # append "" to the end of php.ini
php -m | grep swoole                       # check if the Swoole extension has been enabled

Install composer dependencies

cd Ejercicio-Programacion-PHP-GCP && composer install

Generate the dotenv file to connect the database. And add your database connection data. You can use sqlite, mysql/mariadb, postgre and sql server.

cp .env.example .env

Finally, run the migration command.

php artisan migrate

After that, everything is good to go and run locally To test if everything is ok, just run:

composer start

And open your browser in http://localhost:8080/

Running the tests

By default the test are executed using an sqlite database, you can change it editing the phpunit.xml.

To run the test:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text


There are 3 ways to deploy this api in production environment:

1.- Docker + Docker-Compose

The easier way to do it, just open the terminal and run:

docker-compose up -d

Open your browser on http://your_ip/, and... that's all folks.

2.- K8s

If you have a Kubernetes cluster on premise or on cloud, you can deploy use it also.

By default it will scale the pods to 3 replicas, and expose the service with a load balancer. To edit this, just review the k8s folder and edit the env variables.

The default used database is a mysql Google Cloud SQL instance, but it can be changed through the secrets value for Github Actions.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: lumen-app
    app: lumen-app
  replicas: 3
      app: lumen-app
        app: lumen-app
      - name: lumen-app
        image: IMAGE
        - name: DB_HOST
          value: "_DB_HOST"
        - name: DB_CONNECTION
          value: "_DB_CONNECTION"
        - name: DB_PORT
          value: "_DB_PORT"
        - name: DB_DATABASE
          value: "_DB_DATABASE"
        - name: DB_USERNAME
          value: "_DB_USERNAME"
        - name: DB_PASSWORD
          value: "_DB_PASSWORD"

There's a Github Action which will package the project, push the image to a GCR account and deploy it in GKE.

    needs: laravel-tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: docker build
      run: |
        docker build . -t ${{secrets.REGISTRY_URL}}/${{secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}}:${GITHUB_SHA::8} -t ${{secrets.REGISTRY_URL}}/${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}}:latest
        echo ${{secrets.GCP_KEY_FILE}} | base64 -d > account.json
        cat account.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://${{secrets.REGISTRY_URL}}
        docker push ${{secrets.REGISTRY_URL}}/${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}}
        docker logout
    needs: docker-build-and-push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
          version: '290.0.1'
          project_id: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}
          service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_KEY_FILE }}
          export_default_credentials: true

      - name: Deploy system to gke
        run: |-
          gcloud --quiet auth configure-docker
          gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${{secrets.GKE_CLUSTER_ID}} --zone ${{secrets.GKE_ZONE}} --project ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}
          sed -i "s|IMAGE|${{secrets.REGISTRY_URL}}/${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}}:${GITHUB_SHA::8}|g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_HOST/${{ secrets.DB_HOST }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_CONNECTION/${{ secrets.DB_CONNECTION }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_PORT/${{ secrets.DB_PORT }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_DATABASE/${{ secrets.DB_DATABASE }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_USERNAME/${{ secrets.DB_USERNAME }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_PASSWORD/${{ secrets.DB_PASSWORD }}/g" k8s/deployment.yaml
          kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
          kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml

Just replace the secrets values with your credentials and db connection.

2.- GAE

You can also deploy it on Google Application Engine. The Github Action pipeline will deploy it on your GAE project.

    needs: docker-build-and-push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
          version: '290.0.1'
          project_id: ${{ secrets.GKE_PROJECT_ID }}
          service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_KEY_FILE }}
          export_default_credentials: true

      - name: Deploy system to app engine
        run: |-
          rm Dockerfile
          sed -i "s/_DB_CONNECTION/${{ secrets.DB_CONNECTION }}/g" app.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_USERNAME/${{ secrets.DB_USERNAME }}/g" app.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_PASSWORD/${{ secrets.DB_PASSWORD }}/g" app.yaml
          sed -i "s/_DB_DATABASE/${{ secrets.DB_DATABASE }}/g" app.yaml
          sed -i "s/CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME/${{ secrets.CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME }}/g" app.yaml
          gcloud app deploy app.yaml -q --promote --stop-previous-version

Just replace the secrets values with your credentials and db connection.

Built With


  • Alberto Zenteno


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Please hire me! I won't let you down </3