Source of the generated documentation in
Please see ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions for the resulting rendered output.
- The documentation accessible via is generated from the files in this repository.
- The sphinx documentation conversion tool is used for that purpose.
- The generated documentation is then committed into a repository with some special name and can the be rendered by the site
For ZEISS IQS software developers: The necessary tools are already part of the build system. You do not need to execute the following steps !
- You need a Python 3 installation
- Add the necessary Python packages:
python -m pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme myst_parser sphinx_favicon sphinx_sitemap sphinxcontrib-newsfeed
- Clone the source and the target repository into a common parent directory
cd my_working_directory
git clone
git clone
- Edit the documentation source (mostly markdown files) in the ZeissIQS-pages directory.
- Execute 'make.bat' from that ZeissIQS-pages directory to update the target repository.
- You can preview the generated documentation by opening in a browser.
- The markdown syntax uses the MyST parser extensions.
- The project documentation is based on sphinx.
- Commit both source and target directory
cd ZeissIQS-pages
# Perform edits
git add -A
git commit -m "Some useful message"
git push
cd ..
git add -A
git commit -m "Some useful message"
git push