The PHP Website Starter is my minimum viable setup for starting a PHP project.
What my minimum setup is changes all the time, and this repository will change with it. The idea is that, whenever I start a new website project, I can get a checkout of the current state of this repository without having to think about where I will start.
This is heavily inspired by the Fermi Framework and even uses similar dependencies. But I have a slightly different way of wanting to handle my configurations and base dependencies.
Via Composer
$ composer create-project zegnat/website-starter
- Using Auryn to get actual dependency injections. Never pass around a container.
- Using PSR-7 HTTP message objects with PSR-17 factories for all request and response handling.
- Using nyholm/psr7-server to create the initial PSR-7 request.
- Using Middleland to run through all configured PSR-15 Middlewares.
- Using FastRoute to parse requested URIs and find the matching PSR-15 RequestHandlers.
- Using a Zend Emitter to output a final response to the web server.
- Using PHP CS Fixer to check all code against a somewhat opinionated set of style rules based on the Symfony Coding Standards.
- Using PHPUnit to test all classes used in the project and generate
coverage reports using
By default this project loads Diactoros for its PSR-7 objects and matching PSR-17 factories.
The providers can easily be swapped for a different set of implementations. Simply remove the dependency from composer and add a new one. Example:
$ composer remove zendframework/zend-diactoros
$ composer require nyholm/psr7
Then change the injector configuration to tell
Auryn which factories it should use. In the case of nyholm/psr7 all of
them can be defined as Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory::class
The BSD Zero Clause License (0BSD). Please see the LICENSE file for more information.