cross-course-project-Zaracki created by GitHub Classroom
In this assignment I have used Visual Studio Code to write my CSS and Html. I have made a github repository and updated it as I have worked on this assignment and made a netlify and connected so I can see my changes.
I have created the pages as was required from the site architecture of my chose brief: Home, List of Videos, A video page showing the product details (product details such as the description of the product, price and add to cart button), A checkout page, A checkout success, About, Contact.
I also made adjustments/fixed some problems as suggested in my feedback. In my movies section i wanted a sorting system, the best way I found was to make a page for each genres to make it sort the selections when only using html and css. I have made the site responsive across a good amount of devices. As I used alot of grids I found that this help alot for me to make it look good for the smaller screens. I have learn alot now as I have coded my website that if I where to go back and design I would think differently on my design knowing how I would need to code. I like that my design was very minimalistic so it was good to code. I would try start with mobile first and then desktop next time when I code my design and make it responsive when dealing with media quaries.
What I have used: Figma, Github, VS Code, HTML, CSS,,, Chrome Developer Tools and Netlify
Sources/refrences: I found good help in the Guitar Kings assignment/answer repos that helped me understand how to structure and style the heropage.
Got alot of help and solutions from