This repo is a fork from megvii-research/mdistiller.
We provide the following new features:
support: neater code, detailed distillation record during training, more records in wandb, ... -
New datasets and tasks support: Transfer Learning on numerious dataset (Tiny-ImageNet, CUB-200-2011, ...)
New algorithms support: GDKD(ours), DKDMod, DIST and some experimental KD methods.
# Train the teacher model from scratch 5 times:
python --cfg configs/cifar100/vanilla/vgg13.yaml --num_tests=5 DATASET.ENHANCE_AUGMENT True
# Train GDKD model with some options,
# will auto-split the 5 runs on GPU2, GPU5, GPU7:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,5,7 python --cfg configs/cifar100/gdkd/wrn40_2_shuv1.yaml --num_tests=5 GDKD.W1 2.0 GDKD.TOPK 5 DISTILLER.AUG_TEACHER True
# Train experimental model:
KD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 python --cfg configs/cifar100/experimental/gdkd_autow_v3/wrn40_2_wrn_16_2.yaml --num_tests=5
# ImageNet
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 NCCL_P2P_LEVEL=PXB torchrun --nproc_per_node 4 --nnodes 1 --master_port 29400 -m tools.train_ddp --cfg configs/imagenet/r34_r18/dist.yaml --group --id 1 --data_workers 16
# Tiny-ImageNet
WANDB_MODE=offline CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 python --cfg configs/TL/tiny-imagenet/r50_mv1/kd.yaml --num_tests=1
Thanks for DKD. We build this library based on the DKD's codebase
Thanks for CRD and ReviewKD. The original DKD's codebase is built on the CRD's codebase and the ReviewKD's codebase.
Thanks for DIST. DIST's codebase