vim script to fold code blocks using regexp
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see all virtual functions
:ZFFoldBlock //virtual/
filter out all comments
:ZFFoldBlock /^[ \t]*#//
fold by xml tags
:ZFFoldBlock /<([a-z0-9_:\.]+)/<\/\l1>|\/>/
use Vundle or any other plugin manager is recommended
Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimFoldBlock'
installed (recommended), perl style regexp would be used instead of vim stylePlugin 'othree/eregex.vim'
must be set tomanual
set foldmethod = manual
by default,
would be set tomanual
called, you may disable it bylet g:ZFVimFoldBlock_resetFoldmethodWhenUse=0
recommended set to0
, which allow fold even for single lineset foldminlines=0
by default,
would be set to0
called, you may disable it bylet g:ZFVimFoldBlock_resetFoldminlinesWhenUse=0
recommended to have these key map:
nnoremap ZB q::call ZF_FoldBlockTemplate()<cr> nnoremap ZF :ZFFoldBlock //<left>
or, use the functions directly:
" fold by begin and end regexp :ZFFoldBlock /begin_regexp/end_regexp/ " same as :ZFFoldBlock /regexp// :ZFFoldIfMatch regexp " same as :ZFFoldBlock //regexp/ :ZFFoldIfNotMatch regexp
you may :call ZF_FoldBlockHelp()
to show sample at any time
: normal block mode{ in fold 1 { in fold 2 } in fold 1 }
: fold if matchrem in fold rem in fold
: fold if not matchin fold in fold rem not in fold rem not in fold
: single tag modetag in fold 1 tag not in fold tag in fold 2 tag
use vim's regexp by default, see :h magic
if you have othree/eregex.vim installed, then perl style regexp would be used instead
you may force disable it by let g:ZFVimFoldBlock_disableE2v = 1
typical advanced usage:
" fold comments accorrding to file type function! ZF_Plugin_ZFVimFoldBlock_comment() let expr='\(^\s*\/\/\)' if &filetype=='vim' let expr.='\|\(^\s*"\)' endif if &filetype=='c' || &filetype=='cpp' let expr.='\|\(^\s*\(\(\/\*\)\|\(\*\)\)\)' endif if &filetype=='make' let expr.='\|\(^\s*#\)' endif let disableE2vSaved = g:ZFVimFoldBlock_disableE2v let g:ZFVimFoldBlock_disableE2v = 1 call ZF_FoldBlock("/" . expr . "//") let g:ZFVimFoldBlock_disableE2v = disableE2vSaved echo "comments folded" endfunction nnoremap ZC :call ZF_Plugin_ZFVimFoldBlock_comment()<cr>
would append fold instead of replace, before using the function, you may want to remove all fold byzE
manually -
when fold with
format, there's a special pattern forexpr_r
to reference submatches inexpr_l
(similar to:h /\1
), the pattern format is\lN
, whereN
for example,
would result:xxx // not in fold <aa> // in fold xxx // in fold </aa> // in fold xxx // not in fold