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This is the official repo for our work 'Learning Occlusion-aware Coarse-to-Fine Depth Map for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation' (ACM-MM' 2022).
Citation information:

title = {Learning Occlusion-Aware Coarse-to-Fine Depth Map for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation},
author = {Zhou, Zhengming and Dong, Qiulei},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
pages = {6386–6395},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
doi = {10.1145/3503161.3548381},


We built and ran the repo with CUDA 11.0, Python 3.7.11, and Pytorch 1.7.0. For using this repo, we recommend creating a virtual environment by Anaconda. Please open a terminal in the root of the repo folder for running the following commands and scripts.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate pytorch170cu11

Pre-trained models

Model Name Dataset(s) Abs Rel. Sq Rel. RMSE RMSElog A1
OCFD-Net_384 K 0.091 0.576 4.036 0.174 0.901
OCFD-Net_CS+K_384 CS+K 0.088 0.554 3.944 0.171 0.909
  • code for all the download links is ocfd


To predict depth maps for your images, please firstly download the pretrained model from the column named Model Name in the above table. After unzipping the downloaded model, you could predict the depth maps for your images by

 --image_path <path to your image or folder name for your images>\
 --exp_opts options/_base/networks/ocfd_net.yaml\
 --model_path <path to the downloaded or trained model (.pth)>

You also could set --input_size to decide the size that the images are reshaped before they are input to the model. If you want to predict on CPU, please set --cpu. The depth results <image name>_pred.npy and the visualization results <image name>_visual.png will be saved in the same folder as the input images.

Data preparation

Set Data Path

We give an example for setting the path in the repository. Please create a python file named and copy the code in to the Then you can replace the used paths to your folder in the the folder for each dataset should be organized like:

<root of kitti>
|   |---2011_09_26_drive_0001_sync
|   |   |---image_02
|   |   |---image_03
|   |   |---velodyne_points
|   |   |---...
|   |---2011_09_26_drive_0002_sync
|   |   |---image_02
|   |   |---image_03
|   |   |---velodyne_points
|   |   |---...
|   '''
|   |--- ...
|---gt_depths_raw.npz (for raw Eigen test set)
|---gt_depths_improved.npz (for improved Eigen test set)
<root of cityscapes>
|   |---train
|   |   |---aachen
|   |   |   |---aachen_000000_000019_leftImg8bit.png
|   |   |   |---aachen_000001_000019_leftImg8bit.png
|   |   |   |---...
|   |   |---bochum
|   |   |---...
|   |---train_extra
|   |   |---augsburg
|   |   |---...
|   |---test
|   |   |---...
|   |---val
|   |   |---...
|   |--- ...
|   |--- ...
|   |--- ...
|---gt_depths (for evaluation)
|   |---000_depth.npy
|   |---001_depth.npy
|   |--- ...
<root of Make3D>
|   |---depth_sph_corr-10.21op2-p-015t000.mat
|   |---depth_sph_corr-10.21op2-p-139t000.mat
|   |---...
|   |---img-10.21op2-p-015t000.jpg
|   |---img-10.21op2-p-139t000.jpg
|   |---...


For training the methods on the KITTI dataset (the Eigen split), you should download the entire KITTI dataset (about 175GB) by:

wget -i ./datasets/kitti_archives_to_download.txt -P <save path>

And you could unzip them with:

cd <save path>
unzip "*.zip"

For evaluating the methods on the KITTI (Eigen raw test set), you should further generate the ground-truth depth file by (as done in the Monodepth2):

python datasets/utils/ --data_path <root of KITTI> --split raw

If you want to evaluate the method on the KITTI improved test set, you should download the annotated depth maps (about 15GB) at Here and unzip it in the root of the KITTI dataset. Then you could generate the imporved ground-truth depth file by:

python datasets/utils/ --data_path <root of KITTI> --split improved

As an alternative, we provide the Eigen test subset and the generated gt_depth files Here (about 2GB) for the people who just want to do the evaluation.

Cityscapes (Optional)

Cityscapes could be used to jointly train the model with KITTI, which is helpful to improve the performance of the model. If you want to use the Cityscapes, please download the following parts of the dataset at Here and unzip them to your <root of cityscapes> (Note: For some files, you should apply for download permission by email.): (11GB) (44GB) (11GB) (44GB) (2MB) (8MB)

Then, please generate the camera parameter matrices by:

python datasets/utils/
Make3D (Optional)

Make3D could be used to evaluate the OCFD-Net for testing the cross-dataset generalization ability. If you want to evaluate on the Make3D, please download the test set (named Test 134 images and Test 134 depths ) of it at Here and unzip them to your <root of make3d>.


To evaluate the methods on the prepared dataset, you could simply use

 --exp_opts <path to the method EVALUATION option>\
 --model_path <path to the downloaded or trained model>\

We provide the EVALUATION option files in options/OCFD-Net/eval/*. Here we introduce some important arguments.

Argument Information
--visual_list The samples which you want to save the output (path to a .txt file)
--save_pred Save the predicted depths of the samples which are in --visual_list
--save_visual Save the visualization results of the samples which are in --visual_list
-fpp Adopt the post-processing step.
--metric_name Adopt different metrics for different dataset (please use 'depth_m3d' for Make3D). Default: 'depth_kitti'.

The output files are saved in eval_res\ by default. Please check for more information about arguments.


OCFD-Net could be trained by simply using the commands provided in options/OCFD-Net/train/ For example, you could use the following commands for training the OCFD-Net on KITTI:

# train OCFD-Net with 192x640 patches
 --name OCFD-Net_192Crop_KITTI_S_B8\
 --exp_opts options/OCFD-Net/train/ocfd-net_192crop_kitti_stereo.yaml\
 --batch_size 8\
 --save_freq 10\
 --visual_freq 2000

Or use the following command to train the OCFD-Net on both KITTI and Cityscapes:

# train OCFD-Net with 192x640 patches
# on both kitti and cityscapes dataset
 --name OCFD-Net_192Crop_KITTI-Cityscapes_S_B8\
 --exp_opts options/OCFD-Net/train/ocfd-net_192crop_cityscapes-kitti_stereo.yaml\
 --batch_size 8\
 --save_freq 10\
 --visual_freq 2000


Some of this repo come from Monodepth2.


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