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Official implementation for ProtHyena, a fast and efficient protein language model


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Welcome to the ProtHyena repo!

Credit: much of the code is forked and extended from HyenaDNA and Safari.


For this repo, let's start with the dependancies that are needed.

  • clone repo, cd into it
git clone

if you fail to run the command, you may need install git lfs for cloning large files. Or you can just downdoad the zip file.

  • create a conda environment, with Python 3.8
conda create -n prot-hyena python=3.8
  • The repo is developed with Pytorch 2.4, using cuda 12.4
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  • install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install Flash Attention, these notes will be helpful.
cd ProtHyena
cd flash-attention
pip install -e . --no-build-isolation


  • to pretrain a prothyena model, in ProtHyena folder, run
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/prot14m_hyena trainer.devices=1


Note: we have provided the pretrained checkpoint and dataset in the checkpoint and data folders in this repo for your convenience.

  1. Download the checkpoint and put it into checkpoint folder. Change the pretrained_model_path in the file experiment/prot14m/{task}.yaml to the correct path on your computer.

  2. download dataset (or use the dataset in data folder. Change the dest_path in the file dataset/{task}.yaml to the correct path on your computer.

  3. For specific tasks, run the command below:

    • fluorescence
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/fluorescence trainer.devices=1
    • stability
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/stability trainer.devices=1
    • cleavage
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/cleavage trainer.devices=1
    • disorder
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/disorder trainer.devices=1
    • signal peptide
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/signalP trainer.devices=1
    • solubility
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train wandb=null experiment=prot14m/solubility trainer.devices=1

    you can change the batch size through command line. e.g

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m train experiment=prot14m/stability trainer.devices=1 dataset.batch_size=128 dataset.batch_size_eval=128

    or you can set these parameters in configs/experiment/prot14m/{task}.yaml for specific task.

Finetune on a new downsteam task

To fine-tune on a new task, you need to create new configuration files in the pipeline, experiment, and dataset folders. You can follow the examples we provide in these folders.

For example, if you want to fine-tune a task called fold_class (you can name it anything, here we use {task_name} as a placeholder), you need to create the following files:

  • experiment/prot14m/{task_name}.yaml
  • pipeline/{task_name}.yaml
  • dataset/{task_name}.yaml

In experiment/prot14m/{task_name}.yaml:

  1. Change /pipeline: in the defaults section to {task_name}.
  2. Update pretrained_model_path to the correct path on your computer where the pretrained model is located.
  3. Optionally, update the metrics by checking the available ones in src/tasks/, or create a new one.

In pipeline/{task_name}.yaml:

  1. Change /dataset: in the defaults section to {task_name}.
  2. If your task is at the protein sequence level (where a whole sequence gets a label), use:
      _name_: nd
      mode: pool
  3. If your task is at the residue level (where each amino acid has a label), use:
      _name_: token

In dataset/{task_name}.yaml:

  1. Set _name_ and dataset_name to {task_name}.
  2. Set dest_path to the correct path where your data is stored.
  3. Set train_len to the number of training examples.
  4. Create train.csv, valid.csv, and test.csv files in the dest_path directory. These files should have two columns: seq (for the sequence) and label (for the label).

In src/dataloaders/dataset/, create new Dataset class


class SignalPeptideDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(
        d_output=2, # default binary classification

        self.split = split
        self.max_length = max_length
        self.use_padding = use_padding
        self.tokenizer_name = tokenizer_name
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        self.return_augs = return_augs
        self.add_eos = add_eos
        self.d_output = d_output  # needed for decoder to grab
        self.rc_aug = rc_aug
        self.return_mask = return_mask

        # base_path = Path(dest_path)  / split
        csv_file = os.path.join(dest_path, f"{split}.csv") = pd.read_csv(csv_file)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        sequence =[idx, 1]
        label = int([idx, 0])

        seq = self.tokenizer(sequence,
            add_special_tokens=True if self.add_eos else False,  # this is what controls adding eos
            padding="max_length" if self.use_padding else "do_not_pad",
        seq_ids = seq["input_ids"]  # get input_ids

        seq_ids = torch.LongTensor(seq_ids)

        target = torch.LongTensor([label])  # offset by 1, includes eos

        if self.return_mask:
            return seq_ids, target, {'mask': torch.BoolTensor(seq['attention_mask'])}
            return seq_ids, target

In src/dataloaders/, create new dataloader class and import the Dataset class from src.dataloaders.dataset.protein_bench_dataset

from src.dataloaders.datasets.protein_bench_dataset import SignalPeptideDataset

class SignalPeptide(Prot14M):
    _name_ = "signalP"
    l_output = 0

    def __init__(self, dest_path=None, tokenizer_name=None, dataset_config_name=None, d_output=2, max_length=1024, rc_aug=False,
                 max_length_val=None, max_length_test=None, cache_dir=None, val_ratio=0.0005, val_split_seed=2357,
                 add_eos=True, detokenize=False, val_only=False, batch_size=32, batch_size_eval=None, num_workers=1,
                 shuffle=False, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, fault_tolerant=False, ddp=False,
                 fast_forward_epochs=None, fast_forward_batches=None,
                total_size=None, remove_tail_ends=False, cutoff_train=0.1, cutoff_test=0.2,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        self.dataset_config_name = dataset_config_name
        self.tokenizer_name = tokenizer_name
        self.rc_aug = rc_aug  # reverse compliment augmentation
        self.dest_path = dest_path
        self.d_output = d_output  # Set this correct


        # Create all splits: torch datasets
        self.dataset_train, self.dataset_val, self.dataset_test = [
                            tokenizer=self.tokenizer,  # pass the tokenize wrapper
            for split, max_len in zip(['train', 'test', 'test'], [self.max_length, self.max_length_val, self.max_length_test])

Make sure that the _name_ matches your specific {task_name}. Set d_output to the number of classes for multi-class datasets, and use d_output = 1 for regression tasks.

Downstream Inference

If you'd like to use our fine-tuned model for downstream analysis (inference), follow our Colab notebook. The notebook is fully integrated with Hugging Face and provides everything you need to:

  • Load the model and fine-tuned weights.
  • Run inference on new data.
  • Extract embeddings from protein sequences.

This notebook serves as a self-contained environment to streamline your workflow for prediction and further analysis.


Feel free to cite us if you find our work useful :)

@article {Zhang2024.01.18.576206,
	author = {Yiming Zhang and Manabu Okumura},
	title = {ProtHyena: A fast and efficient foundation protein language model at single amino acid Resolution},
	elocation-id = {2024.01.18.576206},
	year = {2024},
	doi = {10.1101/2024.01.18.576206},
	publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
	abstract = {The emergence of self-supervised deep language models has revolutionized natural language processing tasks and has recently extended its applications to biological sequence analysis. Traditional models, primarily based on the Transformer and BERT architectures, demonstrate substantial effectiveness in various applications. However, these models are inherently constrained by the attention mechanism{\textquoteright}s quadratic computational complexity O(L2), limiting their efficiency and the length of context they can process. Addressing these limitations, we introduce ProtHyena, a novel approach that leverages the Hyena operator. This innovative methodology circumvents the constraints imposed by attention mechanisms, thereby reducing the time complexity to a subquadratic, enabling the modeling of extra-long protein sequences at the single amino acid level without the need to compress data. ProtHyena is able to achieve, and in many cases exceed, state-of-the-art results in various downstream tasks with only 10\% of the parameters typically required by attention-based models. The architecture of ProtHyena presents a highly efficient solution for training protein predictors, offering a promising avenue for fast and efficient analysis of biological sequences.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.},
	URL = {},
	eprint = {},
	journal = {bioRxiv}


Official implementation for ProtHyena, a fast and efficient protein language model







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