- Download the latest release "dwarf_fortress_announcements_1_x_x.zip" file from this page: https://github.com/ZEN-ben/DwarfFortressAnnouncements/releases
- Extract anywhere and start "Dwarf Fortress Log.exe"
- Optionally: to help me develop this tool further, leave feedback!
This tool adds an overlay to Dwarf Fortress to display the game log.
The overlay is configurable by adjusting the config.yaml file:
readback: 5000 # characters
height: 400
width: 432
offsetX: 7
offsetY: 40
opacity: 0.75
- name: CombatRedDark
hex: "#400000"
- name: CombatRedMedium
hex: "#800000"
- name: CombatRedLight
hex: "#FF0000"
# - regex: <any valid regex> # make sure to escape YAML
# skip: <true|false> (optional) # any messages that match this regex will not be shown
# foreground: <color token> (optional) # see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.media.colors?view=windowsdesktop-6.0
# background: <color token> (optional) # defaults to transparent
foreground: White
background: DarkGreen
- regex: has been found dead.
foreground: Black
background: Orchid
# Combat
- regex: lightly tapping the target!
skip: true
- regex: tapping
foreground: LightGray
background: CombatRedDark