├── <DRUSvar>
│ ├── <configs>
│ │ ├──imagenet_256_1c.yml # The configure file for the 1-channel case
│ │ ├──imagenet_256_3c.yml # The configure file for the 3-channel case
│ ├── <exp>
│ │ ├──<logs> # The fined-tuned diffusion models, downloaded from: https://uncloud.univ-nantes.fr/index.php/s/SWamKLe3W5JTbSo
│ │ │ ├──<image1c> # -- 1-channel model trained only on ImageNet
│ │ │ ├──<vitro1c> # -- 1-channel model trained on in-vitro CIRS datasets
│ │ │ ├──<both1c> # -- 1-channel model trained on in-vitro CIRS and in-vivo carotid datasets
│ │ │ ├──<vtro> # -- 3-channel model trained on in-vitro CIRS datasets
│ │ │ ├──<vivo> # -- 3-channel model trained on in-vivo carotid datasets
│ │ ├──<slurms> # Slurm files if use HPC
│ │ │ ├──jobTemplate.sl # -- a template file
│ │ │ ├──numeCyst-m1.sl # -- for the numerical-cysts experiment, m1 means with the first simulated multiplicative map (in paper we simulated 9 independent multiplicative maps for a statistical analysis)
│ │ │ ├──numeScatterers-m1.sl # -- for the numerical-scatterers experiment
│ │ │ ├──picmusDRUS.sl # -- our approach, use the 'both1c' diffusion model to restore all picmus images
│ │ │ ├──picmusDRUSvitro.sl # -- our approach, use the 'vitro' diffusion model to restore picmus vitro images
│ │ │ ├──picmusDRUSvivo.sl # -- our approach, use the 'vivo' diffusion model to restore picmus vivo images
│ │ │ ├──picmusDENO.sl # -- denoising approach (BH \approx I), use the 'both1c' diffusion model to restore all picmus images
│ │ │ ├──picmusDENOvitro.sl # -- denoising approach (BH \approx I), use the 'vitro' diffusion model to restore picmus vitro images
│ │ │ ├──picmusDENOvivo.sl # -- denoising approach (BH \approx I), use the 'vivo' diffusion model to restore picmus vivo images
│ ├── <functions>
│ │ ├──ckpt_util.py
│ │ ├──denoising.py # DDRM algorithm
│ │ ├──svd_replacement.py # includes operations with the SVD components
│ ├── <guided_diffusion>
│ ├── <runners>
│ │ ├──diffusion.py # IMPORTANT!!!
│ ├── main.py # Define arguments & load configurations
│ ├── *.err, *.out # log files generated by running the slurms
│ │
├── <MATLABfiles>
│ ├── <numerical>
│ │ ├──<SimulatedData> # simulated data
│ │ │ ├──<additiveNoises> # -- the simulated additive noise maps
│ │ │ ├──<cysts> # -- the simulated reflectivity maps for the cyst phantom
│ │ │ ├──<scatterers> # -- the simulated reflectivity maps for the scatterer phantom
│ │ │ ├──a_Simu_n.m # -- to simulate additive noise
│ │ │ ├──b_Simu_p.m # -- to simulate echogenicity map
│ │ │ ├──c_Simu.mp.m # -- to simulate reflectivity map
│ │ │ ├──anisoKernel.m # -- to illustrate the anisotropic degradation kernel.
│ │ ├──<Test_scatterers> # RESULTS AND IMAGES USED IN THE PAPER
│ ├── <picmus>
│ │ ├──<DAS> # the baseline results of using DAS
│ │ ├──<Observation> # By (measurements), the inputs to diffusion models
│ │ │ ├──<DENO>
│ │ │ ├──<DRUS>
│ │ ├──<SVD> # SVD components, required if use DRUS, can be downloaded from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10KwoH5G-s8Gk_aCj7WxTZ_L3596u44dI?usp=sharing
│ │ │ ├──Sigma.mat
│ │ │ ├──Ud.mat
│ │ │ ├──Vd.mat
│ │ │ ├──compute_mainDRUS_svdBH.m
│ │
│ ├── <src> # help resources
├── environment.yml
The ultrasound datasets and the code for fine-tuning can be found in this repository.
Notes: The original diffusion model was trained on ImageNet color images. Based on this model, we fine-tuned several checkpoints, some of which still utilize RGB channels. These models are referred to as 3-channel (3c) models. For a 3c model, two-dimensional images are repeated three times before being input into the network, and the output is processed by averaging the dimensions, reducing [3, 256, 256]
to [1, 256, 256]
Although the 3-channel models demonstrated good restoration quality, we further modified the fine-tuning process to support 1-channel (1c) data. This adjustment eliminates the need for the repeat and average operations, streamlining the process for single-channel ultrasound images.
Fig. 1 (left) -- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_cysts/a_phantom_display.m`.
Fig. 1 (right) -- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_scatterers/a_phantom_display.m`
Fig. 2 (lineCharts)-- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_cysts/b_lineCharts.m`
Fig. 2 (images) -- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_cysts/c_images.m`
Fig. 3 (lineCharts)-- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_scatterers/b_lineCharts.m`
Fig. 3 (images) -- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/numerical/Test_scatterers/c_images.m`
Fig. 4 -- run the script: `../MATLABfiles/picmus/Test_picmus/picmusImages2.m`
on HPC using slurm, or as follows:
python main.py --ni --config {CONFIG.yml} --doc {MODELFOLDER} --ckpt {CKPT} --deg {DEG} --matlab_path {MATLABPATH}
is the name of the config file (seeDRUSvar/configs/
), including hyperparameters such as batch size and network architectures.MODELFOLDER
is the name of the folder saving the diffusion model checkpointsCKPT
is the name of the selected diffusion model checkpointDEG
is the degradation type: DRUS | DRUSvitro | DRUSvivo | DENO | DENOvitro | DENOvivo | NumericalCysts| NumericalScatterersMATLABPATH
is the path of the folder<MATLABfiles/>
(DENO is faster but performs less effectively than DRUS.)
- on the picmus 6 datasets (4 vitro + 2 vivo) with the fine-tuned both1c model. Results will be saved in
.After finishing the diffusion sampling process for DRUS and DENO, by runningpython /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_1c.yml --doc both1c --ckpt model004000.pt --deg DRUS --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/ python /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_1c.yml --doc both1c --ckpt model004000.pt --deg DENO --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/
, you can see a image similar to the paper's Fig. 4. We observed that processing in-vitro and in-vivo datasets separately leads to a better image quality, so if you wanna see better images, you can try the code as follows:
- process 4 vitro datasets with the fine-tuned vitro model. Results will be saved in
.process 2 vivo datasets with the fine-tuned vivo model. Results will be saved inpython /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_3c.yml --doc vitro --ckpt model006000.pt --deg DRUSvitro --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/ python /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_3c.yml --doc vitro --ckpt model006000.pt --deg DENOvitro --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/
.After finishing, runpython /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_3c.yml --doc vivo --ckpt model004000.pt --deg DRUSvivo --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/ python /home/.../DRUSvar/main.py --ni --config /home/.../DRUSvar/configs/imagenet_256_3c.yml --doc vivo --ckpt model004000.pt --deg DENOvivo --matlab_path /home/.../MATLABfiles/
title={Ultrasound Imaging based on the Variance of a Diffusion Restoration Model},
author={Zhang, Yuxin and Huneau, Cl{\'e}ment and Idier, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Mateus, Diana},
This implementation is based on / inspired by:
- https://ddrm-ml.github.io/ (the DDRM repo)