Releases: Yuwuko/Yuuko
What a rough one!
As per usual, lots has changed since the last release all of them hopefully good!
This release is actually fairly stable compared to the previous!
It's been so long, I can't even remember what I've done since the last release, but since it's a new year and a new decade, now is a good a time as ever to post the next release. The project seems to be in a semi-stable state and reached a record 23 days up-time without things going catastrophically wrong which was great for my Christmas holidays! :)
It's about time for another release I think.
In this release we see the addition of at least 15 new commands all doing a variety of different things, our server count has almost doubled and I recall saying releases would be frequent and consistent... yeah that isn't happening. /shrug
There have been 114 commits since the last release and besides the aforementioned commands, there has be a ton of refactoring like always, but there has also been a couple of huge changes to the infrastructure of the project. The bot has now been sharded onto 2 separate servers. This change is mainly for practice and future proofing before downtime becomes critical for too many users. Secondly, the bot is no longer loaded onto each server manually. I have learned in some ways how to use Docker and have started using that for production, which saves LOADS of time and will save more in the long run.
I have to thank everyone who has adopted Yuuko and stuck with it for the longest time (we still have servers that have been there since the beginning!) for your continued support and if you do happen to read this and have any suggestions, please do drop me a line and it just might make it in to the next release! :)
I hate version control, but it's the end of the month so here we are.
In this release we see the dropping of normal version control and replaced with dates instead. That's much better. This does also mean that at the end of each month there will now be a scheduled release, so hopefully each release will be in a release worthy state... if not, I suppose you'll see when the time comes. (28th Feb)
From previous tags, there has been 68 commits since the last release which means that a lot has happened. Since version Y-something, we have moved from Maven to Gradle, Lavaplayer to Lavalink added a starboard feature as well as allowing customisation to all of the then current and now new settings. Various interactions and other commands have been added, and the bot has been fully prepared for sharding when the time comes. In this release we also say goodbye to our long time friend the modules command, which was merged through some process of reverse osmosis. Other than this, there has been more refactoring, more bug fixes, more growth (as of writing, we've hit 100 servers! yay!)
By the next release I should imagine some more of the commands will have been refactored, there will be more settings, more features, more customisation and more of everything... so here's to then!
Re-branded, Re-vitalised and Re-released!
Since the release of v3.0.0, a whole ton of stuff has changed. The largest of them all is the bot itself which was re-branded into Yuuko. This change notably increased growth and general interest in the bot. A list of changes can be seen in the change log as always. Code quality has improved and will continue to do so in the future with new features and quality of life changes.
With the release of Yuuko 1.0.0, I have also launched a website which gives information about commands, has a status page showing statistics and most importantly, a dashboard. The dashboard, which uses Discord's own Oauth to authenticate, allows administrators of guilds alter the server settings without ever needing to type a command.
Current modules: core, audio, developer, math, media, moderation, nsfw, world and utility.
Lots has been done, overall quality has been improved!
Development has ramped back up recently and Java 11 has been released which means a major version bump this time around! Several commands have been either removed or refactored whilst others have been added. Namely the Weather, Kitsu (anime), Osu and WoW commands have been added. The project has been added to which has pointed out some minor errors and I have since changed maintaining an 'A' rating for /all/ of the code.
Current modules: core, audio, developer, logging, math, media, moderation, nsfw, transport and utility.
Things are better than before, progress was made.
Multiple things have been switched around this release, I was waiting to push version 2.0.0 for more updates but development has temporarily slowed down in the hotter weather so I can focus on life stuff. Things will ramp up again in the future though!
Current modules: core, audio, developer, logging, math, game, moderation, transport and utility.
Maybe less stable than before, maybe more?
Added several features, changed some, removed a couple. That's just the way it goes really, but I've done what I wanted to do before this release. Will contain bugs! 💯
Current modules: core, developer, moderation, audio, transport, utility, logging, math, fun, game.
Somewhat Stable
This release of BasketBandit is somewhat a foundation but also a learning opportunity for using the release system on GitHub which I haven't done before.
Current modules: core, developer, moderation, music, custom, utility, logging, math, fun, runescape.