A realistic Monte Carlo Path Tracer project for CS230 (Virtual Reality and Interactive 3D Graphics Display).
- Supported effects:
- color bleeding
- transparent object
- reflective object
- soft shadow
- caustic
- Global illumination with Monte Carlo Path Tracing
- Multi-thread rendering
- Basic .obj model rendering
- Anti-aliasing (by rendering subpixel)
- Simple texture mapping on planes
- Simple bounding box speeding up
- Ubuntu v14.04+
- CMake v3.2.2+
- libpng
models/ # 3D models in .obj files for rendering
results/ # rendering results
vendor/ # third-party library (cameron314/concurrentqueue for multi-thread rendering)
src/ # source code
/object # dealing with 3D objects, material, etc.
/utility # basic utility objects / functions / constants, including ray class, vector class and some global constants
Engine.cpp # core rendering engine
Engine.h # header file for core rendering engine
scene.cpp # 3D scene builder
scene.h # header file for 3D scene builder
main.cpp # entrance
mkdir bin && cd bin
cmake .. && make
cd bin
./RayTracing [-MCPT <true|false|mix>]
[-test_case <twist_mesh|teapot_mesh|mix_twist_mesh|load_obj>]
[-size <height> <width>]
[-view <position of viewpoint> <position of target>]
[-obj <path of .obj file>]
[-meshtype <diff> <ks> <refl>]
[-sample_num <number of sample per subpixel (default 1024)>]
To render with MCPT, please toggle
-MCPT true
. -
The frame is set to be 5 units in front of the view point and not tilted.
The default size of the rendered image is
, and if specified in cli options,height / width
should be3 / 4
. -
To render a .obj 3D model, please run with
-test_case load_obj -obj <path of .obj file>
Box with balls
Global Illumination with Monte Carlo Path Tracing
with color bleeding, transparent object, reflective object, soft shadow and caustic effects
all diffuse surfaces are Lambertian surfaces
size 1280x960, 4x4 subpixel, 512 sample per subpixel
render with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz (20 cores) in 5731.2s
run with
./RayTracing -MCPT true -view 0 0 -5 0 0 0
Box with a twist, a ball and texture
Global Illumination with Monte Carlo Path Tracing
with color bleeding, transparent object, soft shadow and caustic effects
.obj 3D model (the twist)
all diffuse surfaces are Lambertian surfaces
texture mapping (ground and the back wall)
render with Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (Haswell) (36 cores) on AWS EC2 c4.8xlarge in 1206.01s
run with
./RayTracing -MCPT true -test_case mix_twist_mesh -view 2 4 -12 2 4 0
Box with a reflective teapot and texture
Global Illumination with Monte Carlo Path Tracing
with color bleeding, soft shadow, reflective object effects
.obj 3D model (the teapot) (more meshes), with phong shading
all diffuse surfaces are Lambertian surfaces
texture mapping (the ground and the back wall)
size 1280x960, 2x2 subpixel, 1024 sample per subpixel
render with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz (56 cores) in 13788.39s
run with
./RayTracing -MCPT true -test_case load_obj -obj ../models/teapot2.obj -meshtype 0.0 0.0 1.0
- MCPT with direct ray casting
- KD-tree speedup
- texture mapping on .obj 3D models
- https://www.scratchapixel.com/
- http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Raytracing_Topics_Techniques-Part_1_Introduction.shtml
- Shirley, P., & Morley, R. K. (2008). Realistic ray tracing. AK Peters, Ltd..
- wiki: path tracing
- The ground texture is borrowed from ppwwyyxx/Ray-Tracing-Engine