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Make Algorithms Great Again! In this repository provided my Python solutions of August LeetCoding Challenge problems.


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August LeetCoding Challenge 2020

Make Algorithms Great Again!


In this repository provided my Python solutions of August LeetCoding Challenge problems.

  • I highly recommend you to try and solve problems yourself before look at the solutions here.
  • Solutions and approaches may be not optimal.
  • All Solutions here are in Python 3.


For the following problems I was googling approaches:

  • 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (Hard) - Problem is really hard, req. strong understanding of Dynamic Programming. My own solution was not optimal. I was struggle with second buy/sell operation.
  • 497. Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles (Medium) - Feels more like hard problem. Struggled with bisect. Solved after googled bisect_right.
  • 983. Minimum Cost For Tickets (Medium) - This problem was super hard for me. I'll be honest, after several failed attempts I checked the solution. My approach was way far from correct.
  • 952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor (Hard) - My approach was not far for correct, but I struggled with union find, so I googled. As conclusion, I think I couldn't finish it by myself.

Problem's question not clear*:

  • 1032. Stream of Characters (Hard) - In query() function every new query appends to the previous queries. Requests starts from latest and go to oldest.

*Following problem's questions wasn't clear for me.

Week 1

Title Solution Difficulty
520. Detect Capital Python Easy
705. Design HashSet Python Easy
125. Valid Palindrome Python Easy
342. Power of Four Python Easy
211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design Python Medium
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array Python Medium
987. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Python Medium

Week 2

Title Solution Difficulty
437. Path Sum III Python Medium
994. Rotting Oranges Python Medium
171. Excel Sheet Column Number Python Easy
274. H-Index Python Medium
119. Pascal's Triangle II Python Easy
1286. Iterator for Combination Python Medium
409. Longest Palindrome Python Easy

Week 3

Title Solution Difficulty
435. Non-overlapping Intervals Python Medium
123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Python Hard
1103. Distribute Candies to People Python Easy
967. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences Python Medium
824. Goat Latin Python Easy
143. Reorder List Python Medium
905. Sort Array By Parity Python Easy

Week 4

Title Solution Difficulty
497. Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles Python Medium
1032. Stream of Characters Python Hard
404. Sum of Left Leaves Python Easy
983. Minimum Cost For Tickets Python Medium
412. Fizz Buzz Python Easy
436. Find Right Interval Python Medium
470. Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() Python Medium

Week 5

Title Solution Difficulty
969. Pancake Sorting Python Medium
952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor Python Hard
450. Delete Node in a BST Python Medium


The code is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.


Make Algorithms Great Again! In this repository provided my Python solutions of August LeetCoding Challenge problems.








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