Make Algorithms Great Again!
In this repository provided my Python solutions of August LeetCoding Challenge problems.
- I highly recommend you to try and solve problems yourself before look at the solutions here.
- Solutions and approaches may be not optimal.
- All Solutions here are in Python 3.
For the following problems I was googling approaches:
- 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III (Hard) - Problem is really hard, req. strong understanding of Dynamic Programming. My own solution was not optimal. I was struggle with second buy/sell operation.
- 497. Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles (Medium) - Feels more like hard problem. Struggled with bisect. Solved after googled
. - 983. Minimum Cost For Tickets (Medium) - This problem was super hard for me. I'll be honest, after several failed attempts I checked the solution. My approach was way far from correct.
- 952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor (Hard) - My approach was not far for correct, but I struggled with union find, so I googled. As conclusion, I think I couldn't finish it by myself.
Problem's question not clear*:
- 1032. Stream of Characters (Hard) - In
function every new query appends to the previous queries. Requests starts from latest and go to oldest.
*Following problem's questions wasn't clear for me.
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
520. | Detect Capital | Python | Easy |
705. | Design HashSet | Python | Easy |
125. | Valid Palindrome | Python | Easy |
342. | Power of Four | Python | Easy |
211. | Add and Search Word - Data structure design | Python | Medium |
442. | Find All Duplicates in an Array | Python | Medium |
987. | Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree | Python | Medium |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
437. | Path Sum III | Python | Medium |
994. | Rotting Oranges | Python | Medium |
171. | Excel Sheet Column Number | Python | Easy |
274. | H-Index | Python | Medium |
119. | Pascal's Triangle II | Python | Easy |
1286. | Iterator for Combination | Python | Medium |
409. | Longest Palindrome | Python | Easy |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
435. | Non-overlapping Intervals | Python | Medium |
123. | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | Python | Hard |
1103. | Distribute Candies to People | Python | Easy |
967. | Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences | Python | Medium |
824. | Goat Latin | Python | Easy |
143. | Reorder List | Python | Medium |
905. | Sort Array By Parity | Python | Easy |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
497. | Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles | Python | Medium |
1032. | Stream of Characters | Python | Hard |
404. | Sum of Left Leaves | Python | Easy |
983. | Minimum Cost For Tickets | Python | Medium |
412. | Fizz Buzz | Python | Easy |
436. | Find Right Interval | Python | Medium |
470. | Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() | Python | Medium |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
969. | Pancake Sorting | Python | Medium |
952. | Largest Component Size by Common Factor | Python | Hard |
450. | Delete Node in a BST | Python | Medium |
The code is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.