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Clean, Merge, Group, Remove and generate OpenAPI documentation


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Api-Doc-Merger is a standalone cli tool designed to merge multiple API files and generate Swagger HTML documentation. It also cleans and filters API files by ignoring invalid entries and removing servers and paths based on glob patterns. This makes it particularly useful for generating documentation from code and excluding endpoints tagged as internal.

Build c_java_version c_builder_name Issues Commit License Tag Size Label

c_license_count c_license_count_limited c_dependency_count sorry for so many third party libs, it comes all from the swagger parser 🤷‍♀️ - many deps are excluded



  • Merge API Files: Combines multiple OpenAPI files into a single comprehensive document.
  • Generate Swagger HTML: Produces Swagger HTML documentation from the merged API files.
  • Clean API Files: Automatically ignores invalid entries in the API files.
  • Filter by Glob Patterns: Removes servers and paths based on specified glob patterns, allowing for the exclusion of internal endpoints.
  • Standalone Operation: No external dependencies required, making it easy to integrate into any workflow.


-   name: "Merge Api Files"
    uses: YunaBraska/api-doc-crafter@main

    # CONFIGS (Optional)
        file_includes: "**/files/**"
        swagger_logo: ""
        swagger_logo_link: "index.html"
        remove_patterns: "admin|management|**internal**"
        file_download: "||"
        sort_tags: true

GitHub mounts the current workdir as /github/workspace and the output directory is /github/workspace/swagger_output to the docker image. All inputs are parsed as environment variables which are mapped in the action.yml file. The App reads envs and args.


for NON GitHub Action usage: use prefix adc_ for all input parameters Downloads OpenAPI files can be also done by listing URLs in api-doc-links.txt.

Parameter type Description Default
swagger_js Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Swagger JS file.
swagger_bundle_js Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Swagger JS file.
swagger_css Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Swagger CSS file.
swagger_nav_css Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Navigation CSS file. none
swagger_favicon Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Swagger favicon png file.
swagger_logo Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to the Swagger logo file. none
swagger_logo_link Path [UI] (local=no external resource) Path to URL like index.html. none
swagger_nav Boolean [UI] Generate navigation true
swagger_links Boolean [UI] Generate download source links true
swagger_title String [UI] Page Title API Documentation
Encoding String For file reader and writer UTF-8
work_dir Path Working directory for the input files. .
output_dir Path Directory to save the output files. ./swagger_output
file_download Path[] Download external files separated by or ||. ( Or line separated in api-doc-links.txt
file_download_header Map Download request header separated by or || and -> (Auth->token||x-trace-id->2008).
file_includes Glob File patterns to include. GLOB patterns separated by :: or |.
file_excludes Glob File patterns to exclude. GLOB patterns separated by :: or |.
max_deep Integer Maximum directory depth to search. 100
sort_extensions Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI extensions. true
sort_servers Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI servers. true
sort_security Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI security schemes. true
sort_tags Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI tags. true
sort_paths Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI paths. true
sort_schemas Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI schemas. true
sort_parameters Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI parameters. true
sort_responses Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI responses. true
sort_examples Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI examples. true
sort_webhooks Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI webhooks. true
sort_headers Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI headers. true
sort_scopes Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI scopes. true
sort_requests Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI requests. true
sort_content Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI content. true
sort_encoding Boolean [Sort] (none=disable, true=asc, false=desc) OpenAPI encodings. true
remove_patterns Glob Keys or fields to remove from OpenAPI files. Separate servers by :: or | Removes also servers or paths by their identifiers e.g. url, tags,... null
group_tags Glob Group OpenAPI files by tags. Separate tags by :: or | or ,. (disabling can be done by non matching values) null
group_servers Glob Group OpenAPI files by servers. Separate servers by :: or |. (disabling can be done by non matching values) null

Known Issues

  • Parsing files without "openapi":"3.0.1" property could be ignored by the parser when running as binary in docker or github action. Reason=unkown

[DEV] Setup Environment

  • Use Java >= 21
  • Build Project: ./mvnw clean package to compile the project
  • Build Docker (Optional): docker build -t app -f Dockerfile .
  • or mvn test will generate an example html page with files from src/test/resources/files
  • bin/static is a special folder which will be included in the executable binary
  • will generate a reflection-config.json file for GraalVM native image, as the swagger parser uses sadly reflection

Docker files

  • Complete Image:
    • Description: Used in GitHub action
  • Dockerfile:
    • Description: Used as executable in action.yml to build the application from the releases
    • Build docker build -t app -f Dockerfile .
    • Build Arch: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile .
  • Dockerfile_App:
    • Description: Unused alternative to build app files using jlink and jpackage
    • Build docker build -t app -f Dockerfile_App .
    • Build Arch: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile_App .
    • Extract file: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile_App --target export . --output target
  • Dockerfile_Native:
    • Description: Used in pipeline to build and release binaries using graalvm
    • Build docker build -t app -f Dockerfile_Native .
    • Build Arch: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile_Native .
    • Extract file: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile_Native --target export . --output target

Deployment & Releases

Everything is automated using GitHub Actions Released files pattern: api-doc-crafter-<os>-<arch>-<version>.native (api-doc-crafter-linux-amd64-2025.0.1.native)