With the release of WhatsApp's multi-device support this program stopped working. I may try to update it somewhere in the future!
This project is an example on how to use my WhatsApp-GroupBot.
I used this bot for myself a while ago and decided to make it public so people can get some inspiration on how to get started on programming their own.
That being said I removed some of its features to protect the privacy of my contacts and users.
Clone the program or download it as zip, adjust the parts of the source code that require a name of some group or contact and compile it using
go get
go build
The data that needs to be changed is always enclosed in { }.
If one of your groups is named "Party Group" then replace "{Some Group Name}" with "Party Group".
Here are the lines where you can find the names you need to alter:
: 26 -> Fill the array with actual group names
: 97 -> Replace {Some Group Name} with a group's name
:102 -> Replace {Some Group Name} and {Another Group Name} with a group's name
: 15 -> Replace {somesticker} with the name of an actual sticker. Comment out if you don't know how to create one.
: 23 -> Change to the name of a contact saved on your phone