- Created the createtable.sql
- Populated DB from movie-data.sql
- Successfully installed tomcat and opened tomcat app manager
- Built dynamic web project on eclipse and installed JDBC driver
- Setup aws ubuntu 14.04 instance
- Installed apache2, mysql, java and tomcat on instance
- Created Github Repo and push local project repository to github in master branch
- Add ignore to avoid local setting conflicts
- Modify the servlet file, output the top 20 movies' information in descending order.
- To improve user experience, make modification using css.
- 1.Designed login page. For login page, achieve following functions:
- Checked valid email and password input, which is not null and legal;
- Achieved sign up funtion, which would add a customer in the user table;
- If anyone typed the url to try to get to other pages, return to login and alert for login;
- Used POST to hide the password;
- 2.Designed main movie list page. For the structure idea, we added search and browse in this page;
- 3.Implemented searching by fuzzy search by title, director, star name and direct search by year.
- 4.Implemented browsing by genres or by initial.
- 5.Implemented prev/next, "N results per page", sort on title and year.
- 6.In main page, showed the title(hyperlinked), year, director, genreslist and starslist(hyperlinked);
- 7.For single movie page: showed title,year,director,genreslist(hyperlinked),starslist(hyperlinked);
- 8.For single star page : showed name,dob, movielist(hyperlinked)
- 9.The single movie and star page can jump to each other by clicking the hyperlinked records;
- 10.In each page above, the user can jump to "mycart" page by clicking "add to cart" or the cart button;
- 11.In mycart page, users can modify or delete the record.
- 12.If the user choose to proceed(only when he/she has some items in the cart already),jump to checkout page;
- 13.Checked for valid payment information to finish checkout. Otherwise, jumped back.
- 14.After each successful checkout, renew the user information and record the sale in the table;
- 15.Handle exceptions. Avoid 404, 500 error pages.
- 16.Lot of effort on CSS to make the page user friendly.
- Using Recaptcha in login and signup.
- Set https constraints to the web application.
- Use stored procedure to handle update request of the data from web
- Use SAX Parsing and batch insert for increasing speed in parsing.
- Improve GUI by using AJAX
- Complete normal search and full text search
- Develop Android MyFlix App with login, search and movielist.
- Implemented fuzzy search using UDF.
*The report file "Project 5 report.docx" is located in https://github.com/Yue01/Fablix/blob/master/Other_file/Project%205%20report.docx
- All log files are under https://github.com/Yue01/Fablix/tree/master/Other_file/testdata
- 3.Please also note to modify one judgement sentence from "T" to "T:" for test1_2.txt,test2_1_master.txt and test2_1_slave.txt:
- 4.The console should show the TS and TJ for each query line by line and show the avg TS and TJ at bottom:
- We rearrange the items shown in HTML files. Please read the titles carefully and it may not be compliant with the original format:)