📚 Official Documentation Links
📖 Android Fragments - Official Docs
📖 ViewPager2 - Official Docs
📖 FragmentStateAdapter - Official Docs
📖 TabLayoutMediator - Official Docs
📌 Task Definition: Multi-Screen Data Sharing with ViewPager2 & TabLayout
📌 Task Requirements:
1️⃣ Implement ViewPager2 & TabLayout with three fragments.
2️⃣ Pass data from Fragment A → Fragment B & Fragment C using Bundle.
3️⃣ Fragment B should modify the received data and send it back to Fragment A.
4️⃣ Fragment C should display text in uppercase and also allow resetting the data.
📌 Expected Flow:
1️⃣ User enters text in Fragment A and clicks “Send”.
2️⃣ Fragment B displays the received text but also has a “Modify & Send Back” button that modifies the text and updates Fragment A.
3️⃣ Fragment C displays the received text in uppercase and has a “Reset” button that clears the text in all fragments.
💡 Hints:
Use setArguments() and getArguments() to pass data initially.
Use setFragmentResult() and setFragmentResultListener() to send modified data back.
Handle the “Reset” action properly, ensuring all fragments clear their text when clicked.