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Getting started

YuaFox edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 2 revisions


  • Debian/Ubuntu server or similar
  • Git installed
  • Docker installed

Get Lynx-Iberian

Run the following command to get the initial project

git clone && cd lynx-iberian-example

Start Lynx-Iberian

This command will execute a Lynx-Iberian instance and a database. It can take a while the first time you run it.

docker compose up

When you see a text like this Lynx-Iberian is up and running! you should see something in this url: http://localhost:8080

The default credentials are:

Username: lynx
Password: lynx

Adding pictures!

Stop Lynx-Iberian pressing Ctrl+C

Probably you will need to give yourself permissions to edit the bot files, run the following command:

sudo chown -R $USER config

Then, inside the config/local/default folder put your images, videos etc...

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 19-12-28

Adding a social media: Twitter

Go to your project in

Make sure to have authentication set up with Write access!

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 19-16-09

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 19-18-42

After these steps you should have 4 keys:

From step 2: api key and api secret
From step 3: access token and access secret

Edit the docker-compose.yml file

Uncomment the twitter lines

TWITTER_API_KEY: "paste your api key here"
TWITTER_API_SECRET: "paste your api secret here"
TWITTER_CLIENT_ID: "paste here your access token"
TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET: "paste here your access secret"

Testing the setup

Start Lynx-Iberian again with

docker compose up

If you did it correctly you should see Twitter enabled in publishers


Click publish and you should see your image on Twitter.


By default the bot publishes every hour. To run the bot in background mode start Lynx-Iberian with

docker compose up -d