- Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 22.04.5
- Python Version: 3.10
- Anaconda: Installed
- PyTorch Version: 2.5.1
- CUDA Version: 12.4
- Other Packages: pandas, numpy, einops, albumentations, imbalanced-learn, optuna, scipy, tqdm, etc.
First, create a new Conda environment and activate it:
conda create -n ml_project python=3.11
conda activate ml_project
Install the required Python packages in the activated Conda environment:
conda install pandas numpy scikit-learn scipy tqdm -y
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install imbalanced-learn optuna
import kagglehub
# Download latest version
path = kagglehub.dataset_download("whats2000/breast-cancer-semantic-segmentation-bcss")
print("Path to dataset files:", path)
Place the dataset in the 'archive' folder under the project directory, including the following files: The folder structure should be as follows:
├── model_13.ipynb
├── archive/
│ ├── train_512
│ ├── train_mask_512
│ └── val_512
│ └── val_mask_512
└── bcss_dataset.py
Execute model_13.ipynb in Jupyter Notebook
The program will automatically execute the following steps:
Data Loading and Preprocessing:
- Load training and validation datasets using BCSSDataset class
- Perform data augmentation using albumentations, including:
- Random cropping (320x320)
- Horizontal and vertical flips
- 90-degree rotation
- Brightness and contrast adjustment
- Hue, saturation, and value adjustment
- Gaussian noise, Gaussian blur, motion blur
- Normalization (mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
Model Architecture Design: The program implements 6 different deep learning model architectures:
- UNet: Classic encoder-decoder architecture
- nnUNet: Improved UNet with instance normalization and residual connections
- MultiResUNet: UNet with multi-resolution feature extraction
- TransUNet: Hybrid architecture combining Transformer and UNet
- SwinUNet: UNet variant using Swin Transformer
- DenseUNet: UNet architecture incorporating DenseNet features
Training and Optimization Process:
- Uses AdamW optimizer
- Implements CosineAnnealingLR learning rate scheduler
- Implements early stopping mechanism with patience of 8 epochs
- Uses cross-entropy loss function
- Monitors multiple evaluation metrics during training:
- IoU (Intersection over Union)
- Dice coefficient
- Accuracy
Model Evaluation and Comparison:
- Records and compares for each model:
- Training and validation loss
- IoU score
- Dice coefficient
- Accuracy
- Training time
- Model parameter count
- Records and compares for each model:
Visualization and Results Analysis:
- Plots learning curve comparison graphs
- Generates model performance comparison tables
- Creates radar charts for multi-dimensional comparison
- Exports comparison results to CSV file
After training completion, the training process and final model performance visualizations will be displayed in the last cell.
- GPU Support: Ensure that an NVIDIA GPU is installed and CUDA is properly configured to accelerate model training. Use the nvidia-smi command to check GPU status.
- Resource Requirements: Training deep learning models may require substantial memory and computational resources. It's recommended to use a machine with sufficient GPU memory.
- Data Path: If data is located in a different path, modify the data path settings in the main program to ensure correct data loading.
- Dependency Versions: Ensure all package versions match this guide to avoid dependency conflicts. Pay special attention to PyTorch and CUDA version compatibility.