Your text base sales and accounting toolkit, especially designed for freelancers, by freelancers
pip install tqwgp-parser
First, declare your quote data:
my_proposal = {
"title": "Tesla Model 3 Configurator",
"date": "29 novembre 2016",
"place": "Philadelphie",
"version": "v1",
"sect": {
"email": "",
"logo": "tests/samples/tesla_logo.png",
"name": "BF Printer \\& Co",
"legal": {
"address": {
"city": "Philadelphie",
"line1": "E Thompson Saint",
"zip": "19125",
"siret": "999999999 00099",
"author": {
"civility": "M.",
"mobile": "",
"name": "Benjamin Franklin",
"role": "membre",
"client": {
"contact": {
"civility": "M.",
"name": "Elon Musk",
"role": "CEO",
"sason": "son",
"legal": {
"address": {
"city": "Chambourcy",
"line1": "103 Route de Mantes",
"zip": "78240",
"siret": "524335262 00084",
"name": "Tesla",
"object": "The current proposal includes ...\n",
"prestations": [
"description": "Files for describing the steps of product configuration, their prices, etc.",
"price": 5000,
"title": "Definition of configurations",
Note: your can look at more complete and various samples in
You can then process this proposal data using tqwgp_parser.parse_quote
import pprint
from tqwgp_parser import parse_quote
my_parsed_proposal = parse_quote(my_proposal)
Pro-tip: the data can be declared in flat files, for eg. using Yaml or Json formats. It could also be loaded from a database: this is your choice!
Declare your invoices data:
my_invoices = {
"sect": {"email": "", "name": "BF Printer \\& Co"},
"legal": {
"address": {
"city": "Philadelphie",
"line1": "E Thompson Saint",
"zip": "19125",
"siret": "999999999 00099",
"author": {
"civility": "M.",
"mobile": "",
"name": "Benjamin Franklin",
"role": "membre",
"client": {
"contact": {
"civility": "M.",
"name": "Elon Musk",
"role": "CEO",
"sason": "son",
"legal": {
"address": {
"city": "Chambourcy",
"line1": "103 Route de Mantes",
"zip": "78240",
"siret": "524335262 00084",
"name": "Tesla",
"invoices": [
"date": "5 janvier 2017",
"lines": [{"price": 12000, "title": "Acompte devis 16-TESLA-01"}],
"number": "17001",
"vat_rate": 20,
And process it with the help of tqwgp_parser.parse_invoices
import pprint
from tqwgp_parser import parse_invoices
my_parsed_invoices = parse_invoices(my_invoices)
You could then feed the processed data to your own document edition toolchain to create PDFs from it. This could include using Pandoc and LaTeX to edit the PDF (see for eg. mrzool's invoice-boilerplate setup) ; or sending it to an online PDF compiler with your own template (for eg. with a LaTeX template and LaTeX-on-HTTP), or using HTML/CSS based template (with tooks like WeasyPrint or ReLaXed).
You may also use the parsed data in a web application.
The format of the TQWGP text-base documents is not finalized.
We'll use this repository as a working specification, through the samples and tests.
To contribute to the parser and specification, please wrote test samples for your modifications.
The tests are written for being runned with pytest
pipenv run pytest -vv