This project is fork from uNetworking/uWebSockets, which add unix domain support, now websocket connection can be established over unix domain socket (a file), not just over tcp ip:port. Test program lies in tests/UnixServer.cpp, tests/UnixClient.js, note that websockets/ws is needed to run tests/UnixClient.js.
the project with specific compilation options, make install
to install head files to system path, note that you need to manually copy uSockets/uSockets.a
and uSockets/src/libusockets.h
to system path after make
if you don't want specifies the link path at run time.
for UnixServer.cpp: g++ -std=c++17 -o UnixServer UnixServer.cpp -luSockets -lssl -lz -lcrypto -lpthread && ./UnixServer
for UnixClient.js: node UnixClient.js