- Mail: lytranvinh.work@gmail.com
- Mail: khiemhm04@gmail.com
- Input data with file
- Auth ...
- ....
Run database in docker:
- Note: changle path volume.
- After running
docker compose up -d
Init table db
- Note: Install
dotnet ef global
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Create table ApplicationDbContext:
dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationDbContext
- Create table IdentityDbContext:
dotnet ef database update --context IdentityDbContext
- Create table QuanLySinhVienDbContext:
dotnet ef database update --context QuanLySinhVienDbContext
- Create table SessionDbContext:
dotnet ef database update --context SessionDbContext
- Create table ViewDbContext:
dotnet ef database update --context ViewDbContext
- Run application (creaete admin and db init static):
dotnet run
- End Application.
- Note: Install
Run sql template
- New query
path file/sql/QuanLySinhVienDb.sql
. - New query
path file/sql/IdentityDb.sql
- New query
Run application
dotnet run