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This allows for mapping of VistA FileMan files to Octo SQL tables. Mapping is supported by FileMan's SQLI utilities.



  • YottaDB and Octo must be installed

Routine Installation

Copy the _YDBOCTOVISTAM.m routine into your routines directory.


The software has two modes of operation:

  1. Map all VistA files
  2. Map a selected VistA file

Both utilities require that you have a DUZ set to allow modification of the SQLI Files for keywords and the SQLI mapping. The following examples can be copied and pasted; but you can adapt them if you already have a VistA symbol table properly set-up (e.g. by using ^XUP).

Mapping All VistA Files

To map all VistA FileMan Files run the following command:


This will create a file in the current directory named vista.sql that can be used with Octo to generate a mapping between Octo/SQL and FileMan files. You can change the vista.sql argument to another filename or complete file path if required.

MAPALL takes an optional 2nd parameter by reference for options. A currently supported option of ExternalDates is to add an extra field after each Fileman formatted date for that date presented in a ISO 8601 format, as in the following example:

YDB>S DUZ=.5,DIQUIET=1,DUZ(0)="@",O("ExternalDates")=1 D DT^DICRW,MAPALL^%YDBOCTOVISTAM("vista_ext_dates.sql",.O)

Mapping a Single VistA File

To map a single VistA FileMan File run the following command (shown with File 200)

YDB>S DUZ=.5,DIQUIET=1,DUZ(0)="@",FileNumber=200 D DT^DICRW,MAPONE^%YDBOCTOVISTAM("vista"_FileNumber_".sql",FileNumber)
File or Subfile Number:  (.11-9999999.9201): 200// <enter>
     Done.  See SQLI files for changes.
     Error count: 0

This will create a file in the current directory named vista200.sql that can be used with Octo to generate a mapping between Octo/SQL and FileMan files. You can change the vista200.sql argument to another filename or complete file path if required.


If you get a crash at SETOF+3^DMSQD, this is caused by bad Fileman Data Dictionaries sent in patch ECX*3.0*178. See for how to fix this.

OCTO Functions

Contained in _YDBOCTOVISTAF.m file. Copy to your routines directory to use and then load _YDBOCTOVISTAF.sql to define the functions in Octo. After that, you should be able to embed the code in SQL.

Contains a number of functions written in M that serve as helpers to extend the SQL dialect for specific use cases as follows.

Date Functions


Returns today's date/time. Without any arguments, returns today's date in the $HOROLOG format. V: Fileman Format. S: US Format. M: $HOROLOG format.

DATEFORMAT(value, formatcode)

Formats datetime based on datetime type returns MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS as default. Function Uses "5ZSP" for fileman dates unless formatcode is otherwise specified. If fileman date is detected function calls VA routine $$FMTE^XLFDT(value,format) to format

FMADD(Fileman Date 1, days, hours, minutes, seconds)

Call $$FMADD^XLFDT to add/subtract date/time to produce another Fileman date. See for more information.

FMDIFF(Fileman Date 1, Fileman Date 2, [1-3])

Call $$FMDIFF^XLFDT to return the difference between two Fileman dates. See for more information.


Call $$NOW^XLFDT to return the current date/time in Fileman Format. Can be combined with other FM* date functions to calculate date differences.

String Functions

IFNULL(value, replacer)

Takes a passed field and replaces a null value with whatever is passes as the second argument

LEFTY(value, characters)

Return left x characters from value


Function returns the mumps equivalent of +value, numeric portion returned only

PATINDEX(value, searchstring)

Function returns the position of the first occruence of search string in value

RIGHTY(value, characters)

Function returns right x characters from value

SUBSTRING(value, start, range)


TOKEN/MPIECE(value, seperator, token#)

Remapper for Mumps $Piece function

Fileman Related

FMGET(file#, [field# or name] ,keys(1-6))

VistA Fileman specific, uses VA Routine $$GET1^DIQ to take foreign keys (up to 6) and fetch a field from the specified file