Releases: YosysHQ/yosys
Yosys 0.51
Yosys 0.50 .. Yosys 0.51
New commands and options
- Added "abstract" pass to allow reducing and never increasing
the constraints on a circuit's behavior in a formal verification setting.
- Added "abstract" pass to allow reducing and never increasing
- "splitcells" pass now splits "aldff" cells.
- FunctionalIR documentation
QuickLogic support
- Added IOFF inference for qlf_k6n10f
Intel support
- Fixed RAM and DSP support.
- Overall performance improvement for "synth_intel".
Yosys 0.50
Yosys 0.49 .. Yosys 0.50
- Various
- "write_verilog" emits "$check" cell names as labels.
Yosys 0.49
Yosys 0.48 .. Yosys 0.49
- "$scopeinfo" cells are now part of JSON export by default.
- Added option to specify hierarchical separator for "flatten".
- Improved "wreduce" to handle more cases of operator size reduction.
- Updated hashing interface, see docs/source/yosys_internals/hashing.rst
for breaking API changes.
New commands and options
- Added "-noscopeinfo" option to "json" and "write_json" pass.
Yosys 0.48
Yosys 0.47 .. Yosys 0.48
- Removed "read_ilang" deprecated pass.
- Enhanced boxing features in the experimental "abc_new" command.
- Added new Tcl methods for design inspection.
- Added clock enable inference to "dfflibmap".
- Added a Han-Carlson and Sklansky option for $lcu mapping.
New commands and options
- Added "-nopeepopt" option to "clk2fflogic" pass.
- Added "-liberty" and "-dont_use" options to "clockgate" pass.
- Added "-ignore_buses" option to "read_liberty" pass.
- Added "-dont_map" option to "techmap" pass.
- Added "-selected" option to "write_json" pass.
- Added "wrapcell" command for creating wrapper modules
around selected cells. - Added "portarcs" command for deriving propagation timing arcs.
- Added "setenv" command for setting environment variables.
Gowin support
- Added "-family" option to "synth_gowin" pass.
- Cell definitions split by family.
Verific support
- Improved blackbox support.
Yosys 0.47
Yosys 0.46 .. Yosys 0.47
- Added cxxopts library for handling command line arguments.
- Added docs generation from cells help output.
New commands and options
- Added "-json" option to "synth_xilinx" pass.
- Added "-derive_luts" option to "cellmatch" pass.
- Added "t:@" syntax to "select" pass.
- Added "-list-mod" option to "select" pass.
- Removed deprecated "qwp" pass.
Verific support
- Initial state handling for VHDL assertions.
String attributes now have a distinct implementation from bit vector attributes, leading to often significant savings in runtime memory usage with up to 30% observed in real world designs.
Since both are represented with RTLIL::Const , its interface was changed. The bits member has been removed. To access any attribute as a bit vector, use the bits() method instead, which returns a const iterator. To modify a Const, you can call std::vectorRTLIL::State& get_bits() which forces the implementation to a bit vector. To get the number of bits, use the new Const::size() method instead of bits.size().
Yosys 0.46
Yosys 0.45 .. Yosys 0.46
- Added new "functional backend" infrastructure with three example
backends (C++, SMTLIB and Rosette). - Added new coarse-grain buffer cell type "$buf" to RTLIL.
- Added "-y" command line option to execute a Python script with
libyosys available as a built-in module. - Added support for casting to type in Verilog frontend.
- Added new "functional backend" infrastructure with three example
New commands and options
- Added "clockgate" pass for automatic clock gating cell insertion.
- Added "bufnorm" experimental pass to convert design into
buffered-normalized form. - Added experimental "aiger2" and "xaiger2" backends, and an
experimental "abc_new" command - Added "-force-detailed-loop-check" option to "check" pass.
- Added "-unit_delay" option to "read_liberty" pass.
Verific support
- Added left and right bound properties to wires when using
specific VHDL types.
- Added left and right bound properties to wires when using
Yosys 0.45
Yosys 0.44 .. Yosys 0.45
- Added cell types help messages.
New back-ends
- Added initial NG-Ultra support. ( synth_nanoxplore )
Yosys 0.44
Yosys 0.43 .. Yosys 0.44
- Added ENABLE_LTO compile option to enable link time
optimizations. - Build support for Haiku OS.
- Added ENABLE_LTO compile option to enable link time
New commands and options
- Added "keep_hierarchy" pass to add attribute with
same name to modules based on cost. - Added options "-noopt","-bloat" and "-check_cost" to
"test_cell" pass.
- Added "keep_hierarchy" pass to add attribute with
New back-ends
- Added initial PolarFire support. ( synth_microchip )
Yosys 0.43
Yosys 0.42 .. Yosys 0.43
- C++ compiler with C++17 support is required.
- Support for IO liberty files for verification.
- Limit padding from shiftadd for "peepopt" pass.
Verific support
- Support building Yosys with various Verific library
configurations. Can be built now without YosysHQ
specific patch and extension library.
- Support building Yosys with various Verific library
This is placeholder for build resources otherwise hosted on other places to make availability higher.