Thanks for your interest in Microsoft Defender ATP (MDATP)!
This repository hosts Powershell (PoSh) script samples for "Live Response" in your Microsoft Defender ATP (a part of the Microsoft 365 Threat Protection (MTP)).
Any scripts that further this goal are welcome.
2004 (20H1)
1909 (19H2)
1903 (19H1)
1809 (RS5)
1803 (RS4)
1709 (RS3)
1903 (19H1): KB4515384
1809 (RS5): KB4537818
1803 (RS4): KB4537795
1709 (RS3): KB4537816
Live response
Autoresolve remediated alerts
Take response actions on a file
Investigate entities on devices using live response
Initiate Live Response Session
Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection live response issues
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