Data and R codes to book on spatial data analysis
This project includes datasets and codes to two books:
In English: Applied Spatial Statistics and Econometrics: Data Analysis in R (Routledge, 2020) available at:
In Polish: Przestrzenne metody ilościowe w R: statystyka, ekonometria, uczenie maszynowe, analiza danych (CeDeWu, 2020) availabe at/dostępna na:
Editor: Katarzyna Kopczewska Authors: Katarzyna Kopczewska, Maria Kubara, Piotr Ćwiakowski, Mateusz Kopyt, Piotr Wójcik, Alessandro Festi, Kateryna Zabarina
This book is a part of project supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN) on „Spatial econometric models with fixed and changing neighborhood structure. Application for real estate valuation and business location” (OPUS 12, contract no. UMO-2016/23/B/ HS4/02363).
Each *.txt file includes codes used in the book in given chapter, to replicate all analyses presented on example data. Example data include shapefile maps as well as datasets. Shapefiles are for Poland on NTS0, NTS2 and NTS4 levels. These are open data from Datasets are also for Poland, collected from Central Statistical Office ( These are NTS4 socio-economic data and geo-coded point data.