This is an experimental crate in adding compile time reflection in Rust via Macros don't use it for anything
- Sep 8th - Trevor gross had idea about reflection types
// Everything is non_exhaustive and public
// (not sure how to handle private fields...)
/// Result of `typeinfo!`
struct Type {
name: &'static str, // result of `type_name`
inner: TypeInner,
layout: Layout,
generics: &'static[Generic],
lifetimes: &'static[Lifetime],
impl Type {
/// Defer to `StructTy::field`, panic if not a struct
const fn field(name: &'static str) -> &'static StructField;
/// Defer to `EnumTy::variant`, panic if not an enum
const fn variant(name: &'static str) -> &'static EnumVariant;
enum TypeInner { Struct(StructTy), Enum(EnumTy), ...}
struct StructTy { fields: &'static[Field] }
struct EnumTy { variants: &'static[EnumVariant] }
struct EnumVariant {
fields: &'static[Field],
discriminant: Discriminant,
value: Option<isize> // Value of C-style enums
struct Field {
type: Type, // Field type
name: Option<&'static str>, // Field name if a named struct
field_index: usize, // Field count within the struct as defined
offset: usize, // offset in implementation
impl Field {
// Helpers to get or set a field on the parent struct
// Not sure what this would do for enums
const fn getter(&self) -> (fn(&ParentTy) -> SelfTy);
const fn setter(&self) -> fn(&mut ParentTy, SelfTy);
struct Generic {
ty: Type,
default: Option<Type>
impl StructTy { // similar for EnumTy with Variant
/// Get a field by name at compile time, compile_error if it doesn't exist
const fn field(name: &'static str) -> &'static Field;
// ...
- Sep 9th - Can't have
const fn
, maybe use associated constants in traits per fee1-dead - Sep 15th - Why a feature vs a proc macro (Jiahao XU) - essentially alternative approach and Drawbacks.