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-------a small lib playing with PE's------
Nebulla is a base lib developped to apply various techniques for PE manipulations I discovered during my maldev learning journey.
This repos contains samples I wroted. It may not be perfect so don't blame me if you see potentials errors.
π’ PE loader : Load PE into memory & execute it.
π’ PE mapper : Manually map PE into memory (local process virtual memory).
π’ PE section DUMP : DUMP PE section to view it.
π’ PE add section : Add a new section to dedicated PE file.
π’ PE lib : Functions to play with PE files (relocations, load imports, map sections & other)
π’ PE perms update : Updating permissions for a dedicated section
PE loader
Section DUMP
Add new section
Test are made on a simple C x64 bit program displaying a message box using MessageBoxA
This repository was made for learning purpose.