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Compiler for JavaScript-like language targeting stack machine

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c6 is a toy compiler for an imperative, JavaScirpt-like language. Implemented with flex and bison, it targets the stack machine simulator nas2.


c6 supports loops, multi-dimensional arrays, and functions. It does not support break; or continue; statements inside loops yet, but these features may be readily implemented with minimal effort.

There is a hard limit on the number of global data (variable and arrays), local data (w.r.t. functions), and functions. One may declare at most $99$ functions, each with no more than $50$ paramenters, and global data occupying a maximum of $500$ stack cells. Local data inside a function shall not exceed $50$ stack cells. See design choices for details.

c6 implements no optimization and garbage collection at all.


$ make nas2.o # build stack machine simulator
$ make c6c.o  # build compiler
$ ./c6c.o test/ > test/array.nas2 # compile c6 program
$ ./nas2.o test/array.nas2                # run c6 executable on stack machine

One may also replace test/ above with his/her own program.


c6 uses $3$ tables to keep track of data and function environments.

Array Description
tables[100][100] The symbol table, a.k.a. data environment. tables[0][0..99] is for the global scope, and each of the remaining corresponds to a new function. All calls of a recursive function that invokes itself repeatedly share $1$ table.
symIndex[100] Maximum index of symbols per scope. symIndex[i] marks the number of variables and arrays in the $\texttt{i}^\text{th}$ scope.
funcs[100] The function environment. funcs[1..99] are functions while funcs[0] is not in use.


  • Use only alphanumeric characters for identifiers of variables. Underscores, such as comp_3235, are not allowed.
  • c6 is interger-only. Do not use floating-point numbers.
  • Do not declare arrays and variables with an identical name within a single scope. c6 does not check duplicate error. For instance, the following is allowed.
    array foo[3] = 0;
    func boo() {
      array foo[2] = 1;
      @foo[0] = foo[1] + @foo[2];
    However, the code below is invalid.
    array foo[3] = 0;
    foo = 1;
    Despite the above, c6 does support variable-array duality, i.e., a variable foo is equivalent to an array of size $1$. When we later access it, either foo or foo[0,0,…,0] works.
  • c6 does not check out-of-index or axis mismatch error. Always write the correct code.
    Suppose an array is declared as array a[3,2,3,5];, then neither a[3,2,5,9] = … nor a[1,1,1,1,1] works.
  • Do not update an array entry with get…(a[…]); or get…(@a[…]); always use an assignment statement a[…] = …;.
  • Do not declare too many large arrays. The global scope can hold a maximum of $100$ variables/arrays with $500$ memory cells.
  • Do not declare singleton arrays. array a[1] = 3259; is neither valid nor meaningful.
  • c6 does not support dynamic array declaration. x = 1; y = 2; array z[x + y, x * y]; is invalid; always use concrete dimensions: array z[3, 2];.
  • c6 implements static scoping, i.e., the function is bound to the data environment at the time of function definition. If there is global variable access within a function, then the global variable must be declared before the function is declared.
  • Do not define a function twice.
  • Do not define a function with a different parameter list or body.


The repository is organized as follows.

│   ├──
│   ├── nas2.l
│   └── nas2.y
├── calc3.h
├── c6.l
├── c6.y
├── c6c.c
├── makefile
└── test/

nas2/ contains the stack machine simulator. c6.* is the compiler frontend; c6c.c is the backend. test/ contains sample c6 programs.

nas2 is a stack machine simulator used in COMP3235 Compiling techinuqes by the University of Hong Kong. See the doc for details.


c6 extends calc3, a calculator interpreter in Lex and Yacc by Tom Niemann. Building c6 was assignment 3 of COMP3235.