Project1 BST and AVL tree:
part1 folder:
. BST.h--> includes implementation of Binary Search Tree (BST) and all functions involved such as insertion, deletion and etc. both resursively and iteratively
. BSTMain_testCase.cpp--> includes testing of BST implementaion
part2 folder:
. BST_AVL.h--> includes implementation of Binary Search Tree (BST) and all functions involved
. main.cpp--> includes testing of BST and AVL implementations
Question 3 and Question 4: Implementation of undirectedGraph class, directedGraph class, GraphSearch class , and TopSort class can be found in Graph.h GraphSearch class--> includes functions such as depth firt search, and breadth first traversal. TopSort class--> includes Kahn's algorithm and modifiedDFS algorithm implementations All other functions required for creating undirected and directed graphs and a linked list, and the code required for testing can be found in main.cpp
Question 5: Implementation of all classes and functions required in question 5; WeightedGraph class, creating complete weighted graph functions, Dijkstra’s function and the code for testing, can be found in Q5_Dijkstras.cpp
Question 6: Implementation of all classes and functions required in question 6 ; GridGraph class, creating grid Graph function, Astar function and the code for testing, can be found in Q6_Astar.cpp